Class of 2021 Orientation The mission of MERHS is provide a rigorous, well-rounded educational program in a learning environment that encourages individual growth and prepares all students for the diverse challenges of their futures.
Introductions Patricia Puglisi – Principal Paul Murphy – Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Beverly Low – Director of Guidance Parianos, F - Yakubowskas, M David Conwell- Guidance Counselor Harding, K – Osterman, O Gillian Polk – Guidance Counselor Adams, H – Gregory, D T
MERHS Goals 2017 - 2018 NEASC – New England Association of Schools & Colleges Survey and Self Reflection in preparation of 2020 visit Social Emotional Learning Ruler Program from Yale Institute for Social Emotional Learning Adult training this year Student Centered Learning No midterms this year! BYOD Curricular Review T
Bell Schedule T Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 59 MINUTES 7:45 - 8:44 A F D B G E C 8:48 - 9:47 9:51 - 10:50 10:54 - 11:53 30 MINUTES 11:57 - 12:27 L 1 L 49 MINUTES 12:27 - 1:15 U 2 U 54 MINUTES 1:19 - 2:15 DROP T
U Block Get extra help from a teacher Get a jumpstart on homework Make up work Collaborate with classmates on a project T
Graduation Requirments 4 years of English 4 years of Math 3 years of Science 3 years of Social Studies (Including American History I & II) 4 years of PE (alternate routes during grades 11 & 12) 2 years of the same Foreign Language A total of 110 credits 40 hours of community service Pass State Competency Exam in ELA, Math and Science B
Drop/Add Course Withdrawal & Change Courses dropped w/i first three weeks of school do not appear on student transcript Courses dropped after first three weeks appear as WP or WF on transcript Add/Drop forms are located in the Guidance Office Students must follow their given schedule until they receive a new schedule from their guidance counselor reflecting a change to their schedule Changes to course level are permitted during the first three weeks of school and within one week of first quarter grades being posted. Level changes are not permitted during quarters three and four. B
The High School GPA Calculated at the end of sophomore year, and then at the conclusion of each semester Includes all courses in which a student enrolls with the exception of PE or any course taken Pass/Fail Class rank is not disclosed – deciles are located on the school profile B
High School Communication Absence/Tardy/Dismissal Call or email Mary Lumsden – Concern about student schedule or academic plan Student make an appointment to meet with guidance counselor Parent call or email the guidance counselor Concern about student grade or academic progress Student should meet with teacher during U Block, before or after school Parent should email teacher T
Tardy Policy Arrival at school on time is imperative to student success. If late to school: First three times in a quarter, there will be a robo-call home to notify the parent On the fourth tardy in a quarter, the student becomes ineligible for extra curricular and athletic activities and serves a detention 8:30 Rule T
Teacher Technology Aspen Google Classroom Naviance Grades updated approximately every two weeks by teachers Don’t go on Aspen every day – you’ll go crazy! Google Classroom Posting of assignments Provide assignments in event of teacher absence Use of Google Extensions Naviance Career and College Planning T/B
Acceptable Use Policy Devices are allowed - Chromebooks Use of social media – Not in school Photos and videos – Not in School Texting Devices in the Classroom T
Academic Integrity Policy Plagiarism and Cheating T
Extra Curricular Activities – Get Involved! P
The First Two Days! What happens when you enter the building? U Block starts the day Summer Reading Lunch Schedules Parent Paperwork! T
Next Steps…… Guidance – Development of a 4 Year Plan Students meet with Peer Leaders Parents meet with parents, teachers and administartors Lunch by Chartwells! B