5 No, when observing physical properties such as color and volume the change is done without forming a new substance so the identity stays the same. 6 Gold is a solid or liquid that has a gold color, is shiny, and malleable. 7. Skip 8. Vinegar D > oil D 9 solubility is a physical change 10 Aluminum is a metal and malleable so Al can form shapes. 11 The pressure from the evaporated water causes the tea kettle to whistle and the geyser to erupt 12 UNDERLINE AFTER CHEJICAL PROPERTY 13 Iron Oxide is rust so water and more oxygen make rust. 14 Malleability is physical and rust is a chemical property 15 physical malleable chemical is rusty nail 16 physical, chemical, physical, chemical 17 Paint color is physical, flammability is chemical, inorganic fabrics are chemically made 18 The physical and chemical properties can identify what the items are and where the items were purchased or how the items may have been used in the crime. 19 For something to be false or not it, this must occur only once, but for something to be true, The truth must be always and stand the test of time. 20 None of these would tell you for sure, but a combination of testing needs to be done to Confirm (color, streak, malleability, and density is the more accurate information, 21 A 4.54 g B D = m/V
21 A 4.54 g B D = m/V C D = m/V D D = m/V D = 64.54 g/14cm3 D = 4.61 g/cm3 g/cm3 are units for D Gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm3 so no this sample is not gold 22 solubility 23 liquid 14 Reactivity with water 25 burn 26 do not 27 Moh’s hardness test, streak test, malleability, solubility, conductivity, magnetic or not, fizz or not, chemical reactivity with water, boiling point, melting point, ductile, 28