Integration of energy systems in the CITIES project Per Sieverts Nielsen Water DTU workshop 19th May 2015 Workshop 3A: Water in Smart Livable Cities
CITIES in short CITIES was launched January 2014 and is a 6 years research centre which has been financially supported with an excess of € 10 million from Danish Council for Strategic Research and commercial partners. It is involving a wide range of industrial and academic partners, 40 in total. See more at our homepage: 14 February 201814 February 2018
Challenge – Fluctuations Demand: Gray. Wind power production: Green.
The Concept of CITIES Integration & IT-solutions for operation and planning for future energy systems
The proposed solution – Smart Grids From centralized to decentralized production But still demand for stabilization Therefore the CITIES Research Centre
The Goal - Flexibility Can we shift load? Author: Henrik Madsen, DTU Compute
CITIES – Hypothesis The central hypothesis of CITIES is that by integrating distinct energy flows (heat, power, gas and biomass) in urban environments intelligently, we can enable very large shares of renewables, and consequently obtain substantial reductions in CO2 emissions.
Water and energy markets Water market (large storage capacity) Electricity (very little storage capacity) heat market (reasonable storage capacity) Interaction between the water and energy market. 14 February 201814 February 2018
Water and energy markets Energy supply: Wind Solar Biomass Biogas Consumption: Clean water and waste water (households, industry, commercial, institutions) Load shifting Smart use Storage (energy) Water supply and removal of waste water 14 February 201814 February 2018