IMPLEMENTATION OF DBT IN STATES ICT – Digital Agriculture IMPLEMENTATION OF DBT IN STATES Remunarative Agriculture Real Time Agriculture Growth
Vision “A governance regime which ensures a simple and user-friendly Government to People (G2P) interface and directly delivers entitlements to eligible individuals and households in a fair, transparent, ancient and reliable manner.”
All Central Sector & Centrally Sponsored welfare and subsidy schemes are to be brought within the purview of DBT by March, 2017. Coordinated effort between the Centre and State will enable faster: decision-making, eliminate duplication of efforts and smoothen out differences, fostering an easier transition of schemes on to DBT. Central ministries and States to set up DBT Cells.
Process of Delivering Cash Benefits Consolidated fund of India Central Ministries/Department PFMS as payment platform ………………………………… State Consolidated Fund e-FMS should be linked to PFMS for reverse loop State Department/Implementing Agencies PFMS/State e-FMS as payment platform ………………………………… Beneficiaries’ Bank/Postal Accounts
Process of Delivering Benefits in Kind Allocation of goods/benefits to States/UTS State Department /Implementing Agencies/District/Block/Panchayat Office Distribution of Benefits to Designated Retail Outlets Installation of PoS machines (preferably Aadhaar enabled) Delivery of entitled amount to beneficiaries after authentication at PoS (preferably Aadhaar-based)
Implementation Modalities Training and awareness campaign - Massive awareness campaign has to be conducted to orient different stake holders like field officers like DDAs, DAOs, AAOs, VAWs, farmers, seed producers, dealers, PACS regarding registration and transaction modules for DBT of seed input subsidy. Registration of farmers – through Lokvani centres (Kisan Service Centres), Cyber Cafés, DDA/DAO/Block Office, PACS/LAMPS of Cooperation Dept/ Dept. of Agril/ Mobile App (FR Seed DBT). Information required for farmer registration: Aadhaar/Voter Card/Ration Card/Passport, land record (Khatoni), Bank passbook details. Farmer name, father name, village, block, district, mobile number, alternate person name, relation to alternate person be provided in the Farmer Registration detail. Validation of account details of the farmer through Public Financial Management System (PFMS) mode. Farmer identification number is issued. Seed transaction through Mobile App (DBT App) or Web Application by block seed outlets/registered dealers, PACS, LAMPS, etc. Subsidy Payment through PFMS Mode. Generation of Management Information System (MIS) reports.
Implementation progress on DBT Seed Division has already requested States to adopt DBT to ensure transparency in distribution of seed subsidy/benefits to the intended farmers/ beneficiary. The States of U.P., Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar already implemented DBT during the year 2015-16. Puducherry initiated necessary work/process to adopt DBT. In Uttar Pradesh, 5.10 lakh farmers in Kharif-2015 and 55.74 lakh farmers during Rabi 2015-16 already registered on State Departmental Portal for DBT purpose. 15,173 qtl. of hybrid seeds distributed to 1.46 lakh farmers and Rs. 23.77 crore transferred during Kharif -. 2015 through DBT. 7.12 lakh qtl. of Seeds to 12.36 lakh farmers and an amount of Rs.139.41 crore transferred during Rabi 2015-16 through DBT. 87,432,43 of seeds to 4,44,628 farmers and an amount of Rs.58.16 crores transfer is in progress during Kharif-2016. So far, 83.56 lakhs farmers registered online out of total 2.3 crore farmers in Uttar Pradesh.
Registration and FID generation – ODISHA Total registration 17,76,668 , Total FID generated – 16,13,019. QTY. IN QTLS. Sale of seed through DBT mode– Crop Lifting Farmer Sale Paddy 2,99,748.20 2,91,043.20 Black Gram 3.90 3.12 Groundnut 180.00 120.00 Scheme wise Details – Scheme Name No of Distinct Farmer Total Amount (in Rs.) NMOOP 174 2,92,500.00 NFSM 21452 111,87,250.00 RKVY 46337 217,86,263.20 STATE PLAN 264,048 2346,77,914.72 Total 332,011 2679,43,927.92
Recommendations based on DBT initiatives in UP and Orissa Registration of farmers’ details is the first step, best done in campaign mode, to be done both online and offline-seed with bank and aadhar details Subsidy to be given on first come first served basis-purchase at full rates through designated outlets-once in 3 years for any crop
Recommendations based on DBT initiatives in UP and Orissa Reimbursement has to be prompt if not immediate Small farmers’ difficulty in paying upfront amount needs to be addressed through instant reimbursement or other measures eg PDC, loans etc Linkage with PFMS important
Recommendations based on DBT initiatives in UP and Orissa Linkage with other modules like the certification , licensing and inventory systems as done by Orissa also useful Political leadership’s buy in crucial Training, awareness generation, use of technology and of social media also critical
Challenges Need to converge the various types of Seeds and other input subsidies Treatment of demonstration programs and mini kits Treatment of sharecroppers Taking care of the small and marginal farmer who has difficulties in upfront payments Integration with PFMS Coordination with banks