Spent Fuel Management and Nuclear Materials (SFM&NM) July 2016 Update A presentation to the Spent Fuel Management and Nuclear Materials Working Group of the West Cumbria Sites Stakeholder Group Stan Baker Head of Business Performance Office (BPO) Operations Division
Recap: The NDA Mandates given to SFM Complete the reprocessing of all Magnox fuels (Magnox Operating Programme known as MOP) Processing of First Generation Spent Fuels which have provided significant and diverse contribution to UK and International generation capacity. Receive and process other NDA material. Complete Thorp reprocessing contracts by 2018 Processing of Second Generation Fuels (Oxide fuels) - which have continued to provide significant contribution to UK and International generation capacity Interim safe store all remaining AGR lifetime fuel arisings Receipt and interim storage of fuel from the current generation of UK oxide reactors. The planned lifetimes of many of these reactors are being extended Managed closure of the Sellafield MOX Plant Plant rundown and Post Operational Clean Out of the first Sellafield MOX Plant Hazard reduction and ongoing storage of plutonium bearing materials Treatment of reprocessing products and storage of UK plutonium Operate the Wet Inlet Facility The receipt and storage of material from customer Vitrification of Highly Active Liquor (HAL), Vitrified Residue Returns (VRR) programme Safe HAL storage in HALES, supporting reprocessing, feeding Waste Vitrification Plant Return of HA VRR containers back to overseas customers
SFM: A reminder of the Plants and Processes Evaporation and Vitrification* *HLWP became part of SFM 15/04/2016 Uranium and Plutonium Product Finishing and Storage Thorp Reprocessing Plant Magnox Dismantle AGR fuel elements Decan Magnox Inlet Cells (3) flasks AGR Waste Streams Fuel Handling Plant Transport to Sellafield SIXEP (Site Ion Exchange Plant) Conditioning and Treatment Wylfa Calder EDF AGR Reactors (6) Conditioning and Treatment
SFM Headlines for 2016/2017 Q1 SFM has made a good start to the year, although some areas are behind schedule production continues to support the strategic aims and NDA Strategy. Both Magnox and AGR Fuel receipts met the customer demands, which in each case were lower than the original schedule. Magnox Reprocessing is slightly ahead of schedule, Thorp Reprocessing is slightly behind but is expected to recover. The AGR Programme performance continues to support the key date of November 2018 for the end of oxide reprocessing. The Plutonium Facilities met fully their programme requirements in the period The Vitrification Plant is now part of Spent Fuel Management and is included in this update for the first time. Although significantly behind schedule for this year it continues to support reeprocessing. The Wet Inlet Facility met all of the customer demands.
Magnox Reprocessing as at July 2016 Strategic Aim and Key Milestones The managed closure of the fleet of UK Magnox Stations and the receipt and treatment of other NDA material. End of reprocessing between 2017 and 2020 Impact of Performance on the Strategic Aim Reprocessing is slightly ahead of the “good” performance level and continues to underpin the Magnox Operating Plan Strategic Aim. Fuel receipts are behind schedule as a result of lower than planned customer demand rather than Sellafield Issues Performance year to date 2016/17 Units Target Actual Variance Baseline Fuel Received (Tes) 96 59 (39) 465 Fuel Reprocessed 125.3 138.2 12.9 457
Ongoing Receipt of AGR Fuel as at July 2016 Strategic Aim and Key Milestones Receipt and treatment or interim storage of fuel from EDF AGR stations. Station extensions have been introduced into the plan. Receipt of lifetime AGR arising’s until 2038 Implement dosing of Thorp Receipt and Storage pond by 2018 to allow long term storage of AGR fuel when Thorp reprocessing ends Obtain licence and planning consent for long term storage Impact of Performance on the Strategic Aim The performance continues to underpin the Strategic aim of the AGR programme and the Thorp end-date of 2018 Fuel receipts are lower because of reduced customer demand Performance year to date 2016/17 Units Target Actual Variance Baseline Fuel Received (Tes) 49.2 43.47 (5.73) 192 Fuel Dismantled 39.3 42.7 3.4 MEB’s Removed (Number) 56 54 (2) 145 *
Thorp Reprocessing as at July 2016 Strategic Aim and Key Milestones Reprocessing of UK and Overseas Oxide Fuel End of shearing November 2018 Impact of Performance on the Strategic Aim Shearing is slightly behind schedule due to a shortfall earlier in the year, shearing was paused due to a delayed restart of chemical plants. A recovery plan is in place, and recovery against schedule is anticipated before the end of Quarter 2 Performance year to date 2016/17 Units Target Actual Variance Baseline Fuel Sheared (Tes) (Performance Plan) 155 129 (26) 427
Vitrification Plant as at July 2016 (end Pd3) Strategic Aim and Key Milestones HAL Waste Vitrification End of bulk HAL Vitrification March 2022 HALES/HLWP Support to Reprocessing Impact of Performance on the Strategic Aim Although some in-year WVP performance delays, prior year success and forward improvement plans (e.g. VTIP) are in place to deliver the Strategic aims and key milestone dates. Performance year to date 2016/17 Units Target Actual Variance Full Year Target teU Vitrified 116 12 (104) 1035
Safe Storage of Plutonium Performance year to date 2016/17 Receipt of Thorp and Magnox material into the PMF store continues to run to schedule Plutonium Finishing Lines have continued to support reprocessing demand, stores consolidation and cross site transfers. Sufficient product storage space available to support Magnox and Thorp reprocessing for the financial year. Strategic Aim and Key Milestones Treatment of reprocessing products and storage of UK plutonium Identified stores empty December 2014 Retreatment facility available 2022 SPRS extension available 2032 and 2044 Impact of Performance on the Strategic Aim Production continues to support delivery of the key strategic milestones
Wet Inlet Facility as at July 2016 Strategic Aim and Key Milestones The receipt and storage of material from customer Maintain and store received fuels to ~2042 Complete transfer of fuel from old pond to new pond by 2027 Impact of Performance on the Strategic Aim On programme and continuing to underpin the Strategic Aim Performance year to date 2016/17 Units Target Actual Variance Full Year Target Equivalent Flask Moves (Number) 2 7