Presentation Outline National Development Plan : vision 2030 Grant Purpose Policy imperatives Programmes funded through conditional grants Programme allocations CASP allocations and expenditure at Q1 Ilima/Letsema allocation and expenditure at Q1 Planned activities aligned to APAP Fetsa Tlala readiness plan Flood and drought Disaster reports Extension Recovery Plan Revitalization of Colleges of agriculture Land Care allocation and expenditure at Q1 Land Care progress report
National Development Plan: Vision 2030 Chapter 6: An integrated and inclusive rural economy Grow the economy and increase jobs by expanding irrigated agriculture Water use efficiency New irrigation schemes Pick and support those industries and regions with the highest potential Focus on value chains and hence agro - processing Job creation Growing the rural economy Land Reform is key Develop strategies that give new entrants access to value chains Find creative combinations between opportunities, e.g. Support successful communal farmers –security of tenure Collaboration between commercial and land reform beneficiaries
Grant Purpose CASP To provide effective agricultural support services, promote and facilitate agricultural development by targeting beneficiaries of land reform’s restitution and redistribution; and other black producers who have acquired land through private means and are engaged in value-adding enterprises domestically, or involved in export. To address damage to infrastructure caused by floods. (since 2012) ILIMA/LETSEMA To assist vulnerable South African farming communities to achieve an increase in agricultural production and invest in infrastructure that unlocks agricultural production. i.e. Revitalization of irrigation schemes LAND CARE To enhance a sustainable conservation of natural resources through community based participatory approach, create job opportunities through expanded public works programme model (EPWP), to improve food security and well being of society as guided by six indivisible principles.
Policy imperatives informing investments in 2016/17 Create 1 million jobs (National Development Plan: vision 2030) Put 1 million hectares of unutilised land under production by 2019 (Fetsa Tlala) Support 300 000 smallholder producers by 2019 (New Growth Path) Expand 1.5 million hectares under irrigation by 500 000 (NDP: 2030 Vision) Ensure food security for all (Act 108 of 1996, Constitutional Mandate) Ensure sustainable use of natural resources Grow agricultural contribution to the GDP - driven by the Revitalization of Agriculture and Agro-processing Value Chains (RAAVC – 9 point plan) – through operationalization of the Agriculture Policy Action Plan.
Programmes/ initiatives supported through grant funding Fetsa Tlala (end hunger) initiative Extension Recovery Plan Farmer Training and capacity development Agricultural Colleges Revitalization Flood disasters (recovery work) Land Care Kaonafatso ya dikgomo Red Meat Development Programme (NAMC) SIP 11 Irrigation scheme development Agri-parks Food security initiatives Revitalization of Agriculture and Agro-processing Value Chains
Programmes Allocation in 2016/17 Province CASP Ilima/Letsema Land Care Equitable Share R'000 Eastern Cape 263 490 63 876 10 632 153 100 Free State 174 289 59 447 5 506 Gauteng 85 079 26 061 4 802 65 525 KwaZulu-Natal 222 155 55 000 Limpopo 260 576 10 438 21 136 Mpumalanga 172 414 49 136 6 208 43 301 Northern Cape 128 364 55 050 9 320 North West 171 258 59 448 7 621 36 951 Western Cape 164 199 50 593 4 106 30 100 Unallocated - - Total 1 641 824 491 363 69 265 405 113
Conditional grants expenditure in Q1 of 2016/17 Programme Total Allocation Transfer in Q1 Expenditure in Q1 % Spent R'000 CASP 1 641 824 304 396 224 500 73.8 Ilima/Letsema 491 363 83 627 40 777 48.8% Land Care 69 265 6 927 6 114 88.3 Total 2 202 452 394 950 271 391 68.7 Funds are allocated to provinces in four tranches Monitoring of projects and programmes is conducted on quarterly basis by both DAFF and PDA Funds are 100% aligned to APAP and RAAVC
PRIORITY COMMODITIES FOR GAUTENG IN LINE WITH APAP Planned CASP activities aligned to APAP PRIORITY COMMODITIES FOR GAUTENG IN LINE WITH APAP Poultry Integrated Value Chain Aquaculture Red Meat Value Chain Investment: R339 million + R9 million piggery Planned projects: 115 Jobs: 1 021 Farmers: 7 135 Provinces: all nine Activities: 25 stock and irrigation dams 6 stock water structures 70 handling facilities 4 dipping tanks 14 piggery Sheep structure 1 feedlot Investment: R146 million Planned projects: 68 Jobs: 268 Farmers: 315 Provinces: all nine Activities: 44 poultry structures One year old chicks (inputs) medicines Investment: R44 million Planned projects: 8 Jobs: 124 Farmers: 438 Provinces: FS, LP, MP, EC, NW, WC Activities: 6 aquatic nursery structures Processing facility Capacity building and inputs
PRIORITY COMMODITIES FOR GAUTENG IN LINE WITH APAP Planned CASP activities aligned to APAP Fruits and Vegetables PRIORITY COMMODITIES FOR GAUTENG IN LINE WITH APAP Dairy Grain production Investment: R416, 089 million Planned ha: 12 718 ha Jobs: 2 636 Farmers: 1 228 Activities: Irrigation systems Hydroponic structures Fencing Orchard structures Packhouses Storage facilities Processing facilities Fertilisers Investment: R130, 050 million Planned ha: 135 636 ha Jobs: 1 021 Farmers: 7 135 Activities: Production inputs Mechanization Labour (tractor drivers) Storage facilities ** Provincial equitable share and Ilima allocation not included in this allocation. Investment: R23 million Planned projects: 6 Jobs; 30 Farmers: 257 Provinces: EC, KZN, LP, NC Activities: Dairy structures Boreholes
2016/17 Fetsa Tlala in Hectares Commodity EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total Fodder 2 267 230 300 3 097 Chicory 295 Deciduous Fruit 180 7 59 605 655 1 063 2 510 Grapes 8 100 240 348 Citrus 200 30 33 263 Pineapple Vegetables 2 931 177 60 247 5 505 136 25 9 417 Maize 43 800 1 420 2 600 5 940 29 498 15 500 192 23 863 122 813 Seed 221 Beans 350 410 3 615 50 4 425 Macademia nuts 80 Peacan nuts Ground nuts 1 313 Sorghum 5 082 Canola 500 Cotton Wheat 250 1 910 2 210 Rooibos 150 Sunflower 385 Sugarcane 632 50 433 3 597 2 660 6 786 44 919 17 223 767 24 299 3 446 154 130 Fetsa tlala has a total budget of R880, 766 million (R344,098 Ilima, R536,668 CASP)
Summary of State of Readiness by Provinces Targeted Hectares Beneficiaries Seeds Ordered (Tons) Fertilizer Ordered (Tons) Mechanization Units (Tractors) Overall Readiness Rating Business Plan Hectares Difference in Ha EC 43 797.5 20 084 2 069.1 4 999.3 7 759 62.3% 50 433 6 635.5 FS 1 693.0 41 46.9 394.5 ?? 54.1% 3 597 1 904.0 GP 15 645.0 146 20.0 500.4 89 45.0% 2 660 -12 985.0 KZN 9 778.0 3 731 201.1 2 078.5 117 49.3% 6 786 -2 992.0 LP 43 016.2 37 007 4 337.4 11 831.9 407 91.0% 44 919 1 902.8 MP 9 445.0 7 018 99.1 471.1 1 272 60.8% 17 223 7 778.0 NC 683.0 455 226.1 498.2 11 56.1% 767 84.0 NW 8 832.0 253 17.5 213.0 52 32.9% 24 299 15 467.0 WC 1 278.0 95 194.4 135.0 55 100.0% 3 446 2 168.0 Totals 134 167.7 68 830 7 211.6 21 121.8 9 762 61.3% 154 130 19 962.3
Number of Households benefiting from Agricultural Food Security Initiatives (backyard food gardens) Province Household Community Gardens Target Reached Targeted Eastern Cape 10 000 Free State 10 500 262 0 Gauteng 12 000 700 65 KwaZulu Natal 20 000 Limpopo 5 100 0 92 Mpumalanga 15 000 1 500 Northern Cape 180 8 North West Western Cape 1 357 120 106 Total 74 137 1 082 1 763
Irrigation schemes (Ilima/letsema) Province Irrigation scheme Activities Budget allocated R'000 Expenditure at Q1 Northern Cape Vaalharts (subsurface drainage, Construction of two Concrete reservoirs, Sub- Surface drainage system, Construction of communal discharge line, Geotechnical Investigation for Vaalharts Revitalization 13 000 KwaZulu Natal Makhathini Install Subsurface drainage pipes covering 250ha and urgent repair of main irrigation canal – mainly concrete work, to prevent collapse of damaged sections of the Main Irrigation Canal, enabling irrigation of 2000ha 15 000 4 300 Western Cape Ebenheiser Construction of a balancing dam benefiting 153 plots (300ha) 6 083 Total 34 083
Farmer Training and Capacity building Programme Allocation R’000 Annual Targeted Farmers Tar get in Q1 Actual in Q1 Status Farmer Training 98 767 22 709 3 633 2 603 72% Mentorship 2 791 447 550 123% Total 101 558 25 500 4 080 3 153 77%
Extension Recovery Plan 489 extension officers are targeted to be recruited in 2016/17 and only Eastern Cape province recruited one in quarter one. 2 075 extension officers are targeted for training in 2016/17 and 162 received training in technical skills and generic soft skills (writing, communication skills etc). Issuing of ICT equipment as well as uniform is ongoing to improve image, visibility and professionalism.
Revitalization of Colleges of Agriculture Provinces Specific Deliverables Colleges Allocation per College Eastern Cape Infrastructure maintained, equipment procured, building repairs, farm land developed, electronic network and laboratory maintained to enhance effective teaching Fort Cox R 8 419 500.00 Tsolo Free State Glen R 7 667 000.00 Kwa-Zulu Natal Cedara R 4 000 000.00 Owen Sitole R 7 190 000.00 Limpopo Madzivhandila R 10 000 000.00 Tompi Seleka R 7 211 000.00 North West Taung R 7 386 000.00 Potchefstroom R 6 000 000.00 Western Cape Elsenburg R 4 533 000.00 Total R 70 826 000.00
Flood Disasters Allocation for floods of 2012 to Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Western Cape – R76, 734 million (MP: R20,326m, LP; R15, 555m and WC: R40,853m) 1 806 farmers to be supported in 2016/17 10 projects in Waterberg district of Limpopo completed in the quarter under review (fencing, pump stations, dam walls, access roads and irrigation equipment. Repair work on infrastructure in Western Cape is delayed by EIA and farmers who still produce evidence for work completed In Mpumalanga, repair work and replacement of water pumps and equipping of boreholes on track.
LandCare programme approach Multi-disciplinary approach to address natural resources degradation in a intergrated manner aligned to Government developmental programmes: Outcomes 4 and 10 National Development Plan International obligations of United Nation to Combat Dessertification, Convetion on Biological Diversity, United Nations Framework on Climate Change Sustainable Development Goal‘s for sustainable development agenda. Advances the Agriculture Policy Action Plan & Revitalization of Agriculture and Agro Processing Value Chain through Climate Smart Conservation Agriculture
Percentage of National Landcare Funds Allocation per focus area in 2016/17
Progress on Provincial Performance Outputs in Q1 2016/17 KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Objective TOTAL Beneficiaries Number of land users/people benefiting directly or indirectly Ann Target 31 943 Q1 target 7 634 Q1 Actual 6 161 Soil protection Number of gabions constructed 1 383 346 308 Ha of cultivated land rehabilitated and or protected 560 30 50 Km of waterways /contours constructed 42 3 14 Rangeland Management Ha of natural rangeland rehabilitated or protected 6 145 416 40 Ha of Land where bush encroachment is controlled 9 773 20 km of fire belts 4
Progress on Provincial Performance Outputs in Q1 2016/17 (2) KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Objective TOTAL Conservation of water resources Ha of wetlands protected Ann Target 559 Q1 target 146 Q1 Actual Number of water sources developed or protected against over-utilization 10 3 Control of weeds and Invader plants Ha of land where weeds and invader plants are under control 7244 2769 1041 Junior LandCare Number of youths successfully attending organized Junior LandCare initiatives 21440 1720 1309 Number of household and school food gardens established through Junior LandCare 37 4 LandCare Awareness Number of awareness campaigns conducted 14298 893 752 To increase the number of people more aware of sustainable use of natural resources 4350 1015 1236
Progress on Provincial Performance Outputs in Q1 2016/17 (3) KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Objective TOTAL LandCare capacity building and partnerships Number of capacity building exercises conducted Ann Target 147 Q1 target 27 Q1 Actual 29 Number of people with improved capacity and skill levels benefiting from capacity building initiatives 16619 509 515 Number of formal and sustained partnerships with key stakeholders 46 30 Number of Land Care committee established 13 16 Kilometres of fences erected Kilometres of fence erected in the grazing and arable land 178.2 36 23.9 Kilometres of fences erected for protection of wetlands Conservation Agriculture Ha of land under the system of Conservation Agriculture 1152 250 10 Number of Information days conducted to promote Conservation Agriculture 37 2 Number of farmers adopting conservation agriculture system 365 Number of people with improved capacity and skill levels benefiting from capacity building initiatives. 1368 70
Landcare Jobs Created During Q1 of 2016/17 Province APR’16 MAY’16 JUNE’16 Q1 TOTAL Eastern Cape WO 212 210 197 FTE 17.9 18.45 16.52 52.86 Free State Gauteng KwaZulu Natal 245 19.12 22.16 21.69 62.97 Limpopo Mpumalanga 70 6.13 Northern Cape 36 2.86 2.13 2.2 7.19 North West Western Cape 13 1.1 1.13 1 3.23 506 504 491 40.97 43.87 41.4 126.24
Conclusion The programmes continue to perform well in achieving the set targets as outlined Delivering RAAVC targets Creating jobs Improving agricultural productivity including Conservation Agriculture, thus mitigating and adapting the sector to climate change by reducing carbon loss and sequestrating carbon. Funding remains a challenge as limited funds limit achievement of goals – coordination and partnerships with the private sector need to be driven consciously if significant progress is to be achieved. Operation Phakisa may provide solution to this challenge. Monitoring of approved projects is ongoing and national treasury has availed funds to assist DAFF to increase its capacity and strengthen programme management.