Adopt God’s Pace, God’s ‘Lack of Hurry.’
And so Luke tells us the Jewish leaders are afraid, as this new covenant wells up among the people (Luke 22:2)
“No” – we protest in the words of Isaiah 30:16 – “we will flee…” But don’t you understand, God clarifies -- “blessed are all who wait for [Me]…” (Isaiah 30:18) For “…in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…” (Isaiah 30:15)
Be Open To God’s Touch And ‘Soul-Surgery.’
And “…then Satan entered the heart of Judas Iscariot…” (Luke 22:3, Contemporary English Version)
“The heart is deceitful above all things…who can understand it “The heart is deceitful above all things…who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Nevertheless, Jeremiah tell us: “…the Lord [searches] the heart and [examines] the mind…” (Jeremiah 17:10)
“It does not matter how small the [sin]… [it’s] cumulative effect… [edges one]…away from the Light and out into the Nothing……Indeed the…road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot – without sudden turnings -- without milestones – without signposts.” – C.S. Lewis
Interrupt Wrenching Guilt With Startling Grace, God’s Grace
[Judas] was seized with remorse…” (Matthew 27:3) and “…then went away and hanged himself…” (Matthew 27:5)