RCIA Scripture – Creation : Genesis 1:1-2:4 Session one Interpretation of the creation story In the first part of the Creed we not only state our belief about God’s existence but our belief in God as creator God alone created the universe and all things in the universe out of nothing There is only one creator God .Humans are special among God’s creation we are made in his image-we have a spiritual eternal soul, and have been given intellect and freewill; to enter into a relationship with God.CCC317. Angels created by God have intellect and freewill but are pure spirit ,they are the messengers and servants of God. The created world is “Good “ (God does not make junk). It is a gift from God ,and we have to be “Stewards” in looking after God’s world
RCIA Scripture -The Fall :Genesis 1:26-31;2:5-25;3:1-24 Session two Adam and Eve The “man” and “the woman” in Genesis is made in the image of God and they lived in a loving relationship with God and each other. They acknowledged their dependence on God and followed the moral request to do as God asked. Adam and Eve are living in the holy state of original grace The reference to nakedness in the story symbolises trust ,harmony-not seeing any faults in each other. They are living in the true state of holiness and unity with God. Together in grace, freely chosen
RCIA Scripture – The Origin of Evil :Genesis 1:26-31;2:5-25; 3: 1-24 Session Two (cont) Man’s broken relationship with God -this is called sin. Adam and Eve, through their own freewill, choose to disobey the moral rules given to them by God. They now see each others faults Mankind is the source of sin and evil, not God –we choose our actions-God does not interfere if we ignore his will. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of ourselves ,we give in to temptation because we choose what we want to do –Selfishness rather than follow the will of God. The story shows how sin changes us and our relationships with God and each other. We are capable of doing terrible acts of evil Satan, the serpent in the story, is still an evil influence in the world tempting us to turn away from God. God loves us and promises us salvation and reconciliation through Jesus.
RCIA SALVATION HISTORY THE PROMISE OF REDEMPTION Gen .11;27-50:26 GOD WANTS THE RELATIONSHIP WITH MANKIND TO BE RESTORED-HE PROMISES A REDEEMER. The history of salvation begins with God calling and inviting Abraham to be the father of a nation that would tell the world about God and his love. God promises to be the God of Abraham and his ancestors and would lead them to the promised land. Abraham enters into an agreement – a Covenant-to keep God’s commands which Abraham agrees to keep through faith and obedience on behalf of the Jewish nation. Abraham’s faith and trust in God makes him the “The Father of Faith”. The History of the Jews is one of love and disobedience, keeping the laws of God and breaking the laws. God does not abandon them They become slaves in Egypt and God rescues them through Moses The Old Testament tells about God acting in salvation history
THE CHRISTIAN YEAR REMEMBERING IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF JESUS THE SEASON OF ADVENT The Christian year begins with Advent .It starts on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day and ends at midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Advent is a season rather than a festival. The priest wears purple vestments .Purple is a colour that expresses sorrow and penance for our sins. It is a time of reflection and change. Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the birth of Christ-the Messiah at Christmas. The word Advent means “coming". It is a time of remembering God sent his son into the world as our Saviour.( Reconciling man to God). Christians remember the Annunciation, Angel Gabriel told Mary she was to be the Mother of God’s Son Jesus. Christians have several customs to help with the countdown to Christmas
RCIA THE NEW TESTAMENT THE BIRTH OF JESUS THE ANNUNCIATION: The Annunciation to Mary is God had chosen her to the mother of Jesus The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary and addressed her as “full of grace”-she was in a perfect relation with god. (not like Adam and Eve or the rest of mankind).We call this belief THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION The Angel tells Mary God has invited her to be the Mother of Jesus . God invites Mary to accept the gift of motherhood and as an act of faith she accepts the will of God. Mary is not married-Conception is through the power of the Holy Spirit. She is the virgin mother. The name Jesus means saviour. God's son will be the saviour of mankind. This is God’s plan for restoring the broken relation with mankind through the fall . CHRISTMAS: The events of the first Christmas are performed in nativity plays in schools and churches to continue the tradition of teaching the story of the birth of Jesus.( Nativity is the name given to the birth of Jesus)
RCIA CHRISTIAN PRAYER IN OUR SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD (ONE) PRAYER- “A LOVING CONVERSATION BETWEEN GOD AND ME”-IT INVOLVES TALKING AND LISTENING. Praying involves the raising of one’s mind and heart to God. We consciously direct our thoughts to God .We invite God into our lives, it is our spiritual life line. The talking part of prayer: includes private prayers we say alone, or public ones we say with others. Our prayers can be formal ,like the rosary, or spontaneous prayers said in own words. The listening part of prayer: we allow God to speak to us. He does this through our intellects, feelings ,imagination and inspiration. This is possible because we are made in his image with these powers. The Five Themes or Purposes of Prayer (Acronym -A TRIP) Adoration ,Thanksgiving, Repentance, Intercession, Petition.( Ch.32) Why Don’t We Get What We Pray For? God always answers our prayers with either "Yes” “No” or “Wait”
RCIA PRAYER (2) THE FIVE THEMES OR PURPOSES OF PRAYER ADORATION & PRAISE –We adore God as our Creator, we acknowledge his existence and our dependence .It enables us to turn away from ourselves and make God central in our lives. THANKSGIVING – We give praise to God for all the blessings we receive,( health ,family and talents) .Thanking God in prayer is saying we owe everything to God REPENTANCE – In a humble attitude of repentance we ask for God’s forgiveness. We are asking for the gift of God’s grace to help us to change, and to forgive others. INTERCESSION – (Asking on behalf of another) We pray to the Saints and Our Lady to intercede for us to God ,also, for others including our enemies (this is an act of mercy and love). Pray for those who have died. PETITION – Praying for all the things that we and others need to live good and better lives.