Hebrews 5:11 – 6:20
How fluent in faith are you?
Hebrews: Jesus is superior to all things, yet knows what it is to be human, so remain open to his instruction lest you lose the rest you are offered. He empathises with us for he is our priest.
Hebrews: Jesus is superior to all things, yet knows what it is to be human, so remain open to his instruction lest you lose the rest you are offered. He empathises with us for he is our priest, but he wishes to grow to maturity.
Jesus is our high priest Last week: Jesus is our high priest
Jesus is our high priest Last week: Jesus is our high priest like Melchizedek.
Jesus is our high priest Last week: Jesus is our high priest like Melchizedek. Who?
Today: A digression
which calls for fluency Today: A digression which calls for fluency and maturity
which calls for fluency for which we have to work. Today: A digression which calls for fluency and maturity, for which we have to work.
which calls for fluency for which we have to work. Today: A digression which calls for fluency and maturity, for which we have to work. Do we?
Today: Go deeper
that we might discern what is right and what is wrong. Today: Go deeper that we might discern what is right and what is wrong.
But then… a troubling warning. Today: But then… a troubling warning.
But then… a troubling warning. Today: But then… a troubling warning. “It is impossible, for those who have once been enlightened… if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance.”
But then… a troubling warning. Today: But then… a troubling warning. To fall away – the total rejection of all that Jesus is and has done?
Today: A final encouragement.
Today: A final encouragement. What God has promised is guaranteed.
Just how important to us is the deepening of our faith in Jesus?