Ethics in Public Governance For Senior Admin officers of Jharkhand Govt Judicial Academy, Ranchi 17th to 21st July 2017 Story so far – Day-4 Life’s Balance sheet 2 by Dilip Patel “Liabilities” and “NPA -Non Performing Assets” What are the NPAs that are draining our Happiness?
Pg. 4 – Remembering people who have done wrong to me… Pg 3 – Remembering people to whom I have done wrong (knowingly or unknowingly) & and Also recall and record the deeds you have done or are doing which you know are wrong. … These entries generate shame, regret, guilt, restlessness, burden, repentance Do I have the courage to look at myself? Ask for forgiveness? Pg. 4 – Remembering people who have done wrong to me… Can I shift some of these entries to my pg 1 ? These entries generate anxiety, anger, hatred, feeling of taking revenge, helpless ness Can I forgive and move on..?
Sharing and discussion by Participants Situations from both Page- 3 and Page - 4 drain away our happiness. What are the roots of these NPAs? Impulsiveness, misunderstanding, ego, discrimination, wrong perception, greed, selfish motive, expectation, and attachment… Only when we resolve the issues , the burden drops! Can these be a reason for my health issues?
Relationship Power” by Jamshedpur Team
Sharing of stories of relational issues & the emotions it generates
“Ethical Challenges “ by Shri Mukund Kausal , IPS, Former Secretary (Internal Security) Ethics is doing what you think is right with courage and conviction Take care of your subordinates And never let them down There is a cost for being ethical and a cost for being un-ethical. The choice is yours
By Dilip Patel & K.N.Malathi India - i – Care By Dilip Patel & K.N.Malathi World’s perception of India ….” Corrupt” , “ Dirty” , “Indisciplined” , “ Poor” …..etc. India is the locality where I live” and “Care means that I am not indifferent to the place or person and I do not cause harm to them” All of us need to make a commitment to make deposits to “ The Character Bank of India” and reduce the withdrawals.
Character Bank of India – Can we make deposits regularly and minimise the withdrawals ?? Can I start an “India i care” movement in my neighborhood, society, area, office, apartment complex?
Ethics in Public Governance For Senior Admin officers of Jharkhand Govt Judicial Academy, Ranchi 17th to 21st July 2017 Story so far – Day-5 Multi-faith Prayer
“ What will I do with the rest of my mnd” by Prof. R.Rajgopalan
“ What will I do with the rest of my mnd” by Prof. R.Rajgopalan
Today is the first day of the rest of your life ! May you live a life of Significance , Joy and Happiness Thank you
Have a wonderful day ! Everyday!