Bible Survey Lesson 9: Judges
Title, Author, and Date Title Hebrew and LXX: Judges Author: Possibly Samuel Written: Unknown Events: 1390 – 1055 (Samson’s Death)
Purpose Judges described the deepening moral depravity of Israel after the second generation passed away portrayed as a cycle of disobedience, judgement, partial repentance, and deliverance. This is the result of both the incomplete possession of the Promised Land and the lack of a righteous king in the land.
Outline Israel’s Disobedience (1:1-3:6) Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Israel’s Depravity (17-21)
Israel’s Disobedience (1:1-3:6) Theme: Incomplete Obedience (1, 2) Theme: The Spiral (2, 3, 4-5, 6-8, 10- 12, 13-16) Sin (2:11-13; 3:7) Servitude (2:14-15; 3:8) Supplication (2:18; 3:9) Salvation (2:16; 3:9-10) Security (2:18; 3:11)
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) The Judges Leaders Warriors Arbiters
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Othniel (3:7-11) Opponents: Mesopotamia Occupation: 8 years Lineage: Caleb’s Brother (converted gentile) Spirit of God: Yes Rest: 40 years Notes: none
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Othniel Ehud Deborah Gideon Jephthah Samson
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Ehud (3:12-31) Opponents: Moab Occupation: 18 years Lineage: Benjaminite Spirit of God: No Rest: 80 years Notes: Left handed
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Othniel Ehud Deborah Gideon Jephthah Samson
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Deborah (4:1-5:31) Opponents: Canaanites Occupation: 20 years Lineage: Ephraimite Spirit of God: No Rest: 40 years Notes: Prophetess
Problem: Deborah’s Leadership (4:1- 5:31) Classical/Liberal Feminism Evangelical/Conservati ve Feminism Classical Fundamentalism De Facto Evangelical
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Othniel Ehud Deborah Gideon Jephthah Samson
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Gideon/Jerubaal (6:1-8:32) Opponents: Midian Occupation: 7 years Lineage: Manasseh Spirit of God: Yes Rest: 40 years Notes: Cowardly, Doubtful, and falsely humble
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) “Kingship” of Abimelech (8:33- 9:57) Opponents: Israel Occupation: 3 years Lineage: Gideon’s Son Spirit of God: No Rest: None Notes: Murderer and Tyrant
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Othniel Ehud Deborah Gideon Jephthah Samson
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Jephthah (10:1-12:7) Opponents: Ammon Occupation: 18 years Lineage: Son of a prostitute Spirit of God: Yes Rest: 6 years Notes: Ambitious Outcast
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Problem: Jephthah’s Vow (11:29-40) Perpetual Virginity and Tabernacle Service [Life] Offering [Death]
Israel’s Deliverance (3:7-16:31) Othniel Ehud Deborah Gideon Jephthah Samson
Samson (13:1-16:31) Opponents: Philistines Occupation: 40 years Lineage: Danite Spirit of God: Yes Reign: 20 years Notes: Nazarite, Lustful, Wrathful, and Obsessed with Foreign women
Problem: What was the character of the Judges? Faithful flawed men Condemned sinners 32 And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets— 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions…38 of whom the world was not worthy—wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. 39 And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40 since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.
Israel’s Depravity (17-21) Theme: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6) Idolatry in Israel (17:1-18:31) Immorality and Civil War in Israel (19:1-21:25)