The Organizational Communication By: Sara Hussain AlGhamdi ID:200900137
Outline What is Communication? The Critical Components of Communication. Barriers to Effective Communication. Ways to Overcome Barriers. What is Organizational Communication? Communication Networks. Types of Communication. The Dark Side of Workplace Communication
What is Communication? It is a process by which information is exchanged between or among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior -- resulting in shared meanings between sender and receiver
Critical Components of Communication Source Message Channel Receiver Feedback
Critical Components of Communication Source (Encoder) Receiver (Decoder) Message Channel(s) Barriers Feedback
Encode & Decode Encode: a process of translating ideas, feelings, and thoughts into symbols Decode: a process of translating incoming information into understandable concepts
Barriers to Effective Communication Climate control – closed or inadequate communication climate Emotional interference Information overload Defensiveness Poor listening skills Cultural differences
Ways to Overcome Barriers Foster an open communication climate Avoid defensive reactions Facilitate feedback from others by listening with open mind Understand intercultural communication
What is Organizational Communication? The ways in which groups of people maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals
Why Should You Learn About Organizational Communication? So you can ask informed questions about everyday business practices To develop communication skills that improve your ability to succeed in the workplace To improve the quality of your work life
Communication Networks Formal communication networks – follow prescribed channels of communication Informal communication networks – emerges from the natural social interaction among organization members
Three Types of Communication Flow Advantages Downward Lets managers direct activities of employees Upward Helps managers monitor performance and obtain ideas Lateral / Horizontal Promotes flow between departments or among peers Helps employees to do their job efficiently Depends on the degree of cross-functional interaction required by the organization
The Dark Side of Workplace Communication 1-Aggressive Communication Verbal aggressiveness Workplace aggression Workplace violence
The Dark Side of Workplace Communication (cont.) 2-Sexual Harassment Unwelcome, unsolicited, repeated behavior of a sexual nature Hostile work environment – workplace conditions that are sexually offensive,