Why Seminar? Using the power of discussion and shared intellect in order to: Come to a deeper understanding of the text-- you need this! Test our own ideas in the intellectual “marketplace” Provide feedback to others on their ideas Develop collaborative/discussion skills – important for college and career!
I know you’ve prepared… For each text, annotate thoroughly with three elements in mind (but feel free to observe other elements): Purpose -- what is the author’s purpose in constructing this text? What is each text designed to do? Context – how does time provide context for each of these texts? (hint: #3 will help with #1) Stylistic Features – focus on word choice in #1 and #2; in #3 consider ways the writer “makes himself at home” in the article. What is the effect of that?
15 minute free write… Text #1: . Text #1: Based on the language of the pledge of allegiance, what conclusions can you draw about the culture that values it? What does this text value explicitly (on the surface)…and implicitly (by suggestion)? Text #2: What sort of patriotic or political rituals have you/ do you participate in? What memories/experiences do you have of religious rituals? What words and phrases in the poem have to do with patriotism or politics? Which words and phrases have to do with religion? Text #3 Who was Francis Bellamy and “what would he think of the hubbub?” What are the arguments for and against the inclusion of “under God” in the pledge?
Then there are your own questions and ideas…
Seminar Protocol… Introduce yourselves The text is the topic – offer evidence and illumination from the text Good questions are as good as good answers. Good. Question each other – be curious Speak up and out Listen and learn
Poetry Term: Apostrophe Sometimes a poet addresses a poem to an inanimate object (peanut butter) or an abstract noun (Republic). This device is called apostrophe.
Homework: Your Pledge of Awesomeness Due Tuesday, Oct. 6th…Choose one of the following and have fun! Watch the two YouTube clips in the Pledge of Allegiance section of IB Lang/Lit Links. Compare and contrast them in terms of audience, purpose, and structure or style. Write an informal response of around 250 words. OR Write a poem that uses the poetic device of apostrophe to explore an idea, like “Pledge”. For more details, see the assignment sheet on the documents page of my website. Find two cartoons that deal with the Pledge of Allegiance. Print them, and write an informal response of around 250 words in which you compare and contrast them in terms of context (what do you need to know to understand?), purpose (what’s the point?), and style (what choices does the cartoonist make in order to create an effect?)