Should men be granted paternity leave after their wives give birth?
Should the U.S. institute mandatory voting?
Are the SATs a good measure of student achievement?
Should “under God” be in the pledge of allegiance?
Should children be allowed to have their own cell phones?
Should the military be able to recruit during school hours?
Should students be able to grade their teachers at the end of each school year?
Should Pittsburgh institute a city-wide cigarette ban?
Should it be illegal to fly the Confederate flag?
Should illegal immigrants be able to get treated in ERs without being reported?
Should prayer be allowed at public school events (sports, graduation, etc.)?
Should fast food chains be allowed to give toys to children?
Are the Olympics worth the money?
Should high schools have mandatory sex education classes?
Should the U.S. President be able to serve more than two terms?
Should flag burning be legal?
Should people be able to get plastic surgery or tattoos before the age of 21?
Should bullfighting be banned?
Should schools hold mandatory, random drugs tests for students?
Should citizens be allowed to vote online?
Should women be drafted?
Is it sometimes acceptable to torture criminals for information?
Should TV programs be allowed to feature curse words?
Should advertisers be allowed to photoshop models?
Are dress codes sexist?
Should class participation be graded?
Should you delete your social media account?
Should we support athletes who kneel during the National Anthem?
Should we build a wall between the US and Mexico?
Should college be free?
Should a business be able to deny service to a customer if the request conflicts with the owner’s religious beliefs?