Unit 1 Matter Day 20 Focus: Periodic Table 9/27/17 Science starter: Copy and answer: What is one similarity and one difference between the alkali metals (Group 1A) and the halogens (Group 7A)? Take out your element cards and your periodic table families chart.
Plan for the Day Begin “Periodic Table Basics” project.
Homework: Finish your element cards for the project. CFA next Monday over the periodic table. Study the groups and their properties! Bring colored pencils the rest of the week. 3.
Essential Question p. 19 - What are the physical and chemical properties of the different groups/families of elements on the Periodic Table? -
Periodic Table Basics mini-project Make sure all info is filled in on your element cards (properties, atom models, etc.) Follow the directions to create your mini-version of the periodic table. Make a color key or label the groups on your mini-periodic table. When you and your partner have completed your mini periodic table, do the analysis questions sheet.
Let’s continue our “Periodic Table Basics” project. Read the directions carefully. Do not glue anything until I check it for you. When all elements are glued down, think of a creative title (something that has to do with patterns on the periodic table-not “Periodic Table”.) You can also call it “Periodic Table Basics”, but that’s not very creative! Write it neatly on your p.t. and bring it to me. *Work with your partner to answer the analysis questions on back of the directions sheet. *THIS IS GREAT PREPARATION FOR YOUR CFA MONDAY! PUT EFFORT INTO IT.
Group/Family Names & Characteristics Alkali Metals Alkaline-Earth Metals Boron Carbon Nitro-gen Oxygen Halogen Noble Gases *Group 1A *1v.e. *Most reactive metals *Soft, silvery *never uncom-bined in nature *form salts w/ Gp. 7A NaCl *conduc-tive *low densi. *violent reaction in water *Group 2A *2 v.e. *Very reactive metals *Soft * Higher density than 1A *silvery in color *Group 3A *3 v.e. *reac-tive *(Al) most common metal on Earth *Group 4A *4 v.e. *reac-tive *Si most common metal-loid *Group 5A *5 v.e. *N most plentiful gas in air (78%) *Group 6A *6 v.e. *Group 7A *7 val.el. *most reactive nonme-tals *Never uncom-bined in nature *form salts with Gp. 1A *Group 8A *8 v.e. or full valence level (outer shell) *non-reactive - inert *non-metals *all gases
If time permits, we’ll conduct formative assessment on the content from today. Wrap-up: How do element properties affect the arrangement of the periodic table?