Daily Food Choices By: Miss Williams
Objectives Identify how lifestyles influence meal patterns Evaluate daily food choices Understand why it is important to maintain the right weight.
Food & Your Life Style Making wise food choices is becoming harder and harder For a number of people snacks have become just as important as meals Who wanted candy instead of fruit? Was that a wise choice as far as health goes?
Food & Your Life Style Cont. People snack because they are hungry, board, tense, lonely All food eaten whether snack or meal should nutritious
Daily Food Guide Daily Food Guide- a guide compiled by nutritionist to help people make wise food choices Divided into 5 groups: Milk-Cheese -- Bread-Cereal Fruit-Vegetable -- Fats- Sweets Meat-poultry Fish-Beans The daily food guide list numbers and serving sizes recommended for each group Out of the five groups which one is not needed for good health? Can anyone guess what the first 4 groups are? main food groups
Variety: Key to Nutrition It is important to eat small amounts of a variety of foods rather than large amounts of just your favorites. What does this mean? This gives you a better chance of getting the nutrients each food group can supply
Daily Meals Morning Gets your body working Should supply you with 1/3 of your day’s food needs Who skips breakfast because they don’t have time to eat it?
Daily Meals Cont Lunch Should supply you with 1/3 or more of your day’s nutrition Should be largest meal of day How many people do you know just crab something out of the vending machine instead of a full lunch meal? What affects can this have on that person?
Daily Meals Dinner Traditionally, the largest meal of the day Should not be the heaviest meal of the day Snack Planned carefully Should fit into daily food pattern Should be healthy and not junk Why is supper the largest meal traditionally? Why should lunch be the largest? What is junk when it comes to snacks?
Weight What is your best weight? Different cultures have their own ideas of best body weight. What is the ideal body image in most English speaking countries? Advertisements, movies, and fashion all promote the slim, trim look in both men and women What does different cultures have to do with weight?
How much do you weigh? Height-weight tables- developed by health experts, give a weight range for different heights. Look on page 93 at the chart do you fall under the right weight for your height and frame size?
How much body fat do you have? Pinch Test- measure amount of fat stored under the skin To measure you body fat thickness, gently pinch your skin at the back of your upper arm with your thumb and forefinger.
How much body fat do you have? One layer of body fat and skin on a person with normal weight usually measures between ¼ to ½ in. More than an inch is a sign of over weight Less than that is under weight
What's wrong with being over weight? Over weight people die younger Over weight people are more likely to have diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Why would over weight people die younger?
Why are people over weight? Weight is a matter of energy balance! If you eat the same number of calories you use your weight should remain the same If you consume more calories than you use you gain weight
Review Objectives Identify how lifestyles influence meal patterns Evaluate daily food choices Understand why it is important to maintain the right weight.
Assignment Each student will make a daily meal schedule. Write what you had yesterday to eat then, Write what you should eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You will find help in the Food for Today book pg77-80 TURN IT IN FOR A GRADE
Assignment #2 Work in groups of 2 or 3 and create safety posters for the classroom kitchens . They should be well thought out and colored. No groups can do the same!