ACCTs at Oregon State University An ACCT is the “What” in a transaction
What is an ACCT? An ACCounT code is the FOAPAL element used to track specific financial transactions by object type and purpose. There are two Account code categories: General Ledger (GL) accounts Operating Ledger (OPAL) accounts Account codes are a 5 character field. Examples: A2000 = GL Assets: Investments 20202 = OPAL expense: Software
ACCT Validation Table - FTVACCT The form that lists all Account codes in the OSU chart, referred to as ACCT codes. Information provided: Account Code Account Title Account Type and Internal Type Data Entry code (Y = can post using Account) Status (A = active) Effective and Termination dates for posting to Account.
Account Code Numbers The first digit distinguishes the general ledger (GL) account codes from the operating ledger (OPAL) account codes. GL account codes begin with an “alpha” character OPAL account codes begin with a number For OPAL account codes the beginning two numbers indicates type of revenue or expense.
General Ledger Accounts Indexes are not used with GL account codes. The GL account codes include 5 major sections: Assets Liabilities Control Accounts Fund Balances Fund Changes
GL Asset & Liability Accounts These accounts are used most at fiscal year-end to record accruals: Asset account codes begin with an “A” e.g. Axxxx Used for receivables and prepaid expenses Liability account codes begin with a “B” e.g. Bxxxx Used for accounts payable and deferred income
GL Control & Fund Balance Accounts These account codes are generated by the system. Never use either of these account codes when processing a banner document. Control Account codes begin with a “C” e.g. Cxxxx Fund Balance codes begin with a “D” e.g. Dxxxx Assets – Liabilities = Fund Balance
GL Fund Change Accounts These account codes are used by Proprietary Funds (Service Centers and Auxiliaries) for movement to/from reserves. Fund Addition account codes begin with an “E” e.g. Exxxx Fund Deduction account codes begin with an “F” e.g. Fxxxx
Operating Ledger Accounts Indexes must be used with OPAL account codes. Many expense account codes are “tax reportable” using either 1099 or 1042S forms. It is important to pay for all services using these specific account codes. The OPAL account codes include 11 sections: 0xxxx Revenues 1xxxx Labor 2xxxx Supplies/Services 39xxx Travel 399xx Subcontracts 4xxxx Capital Expense 5xxxx Student Aid 6xxxx Merchandise Resale 7xxxx Overhead Recovery 79xxx Internal Reimbursement 9xxxx Transfers
OPAL Revenue Accounts Revenue accounts begin with a “0” e.g. 0xxxx The 6 Revenue account code groups are: 01xxx Student Tuition & Fees 02xxx Government Appropriations 03xxx Gifts, Grants & Contracts 06xxx Sales & Services 08xxx Other Revenues 09xxx Internal OSU (and OUS) Sales/Services NOTE: 09xxx can only be used with Designated Operations, Service Center, and Auxiliary Enterprise funds
OPAL Labor Accounts Labor accounts begin with a “1” e.g. 1xxxx The 6 Labor (personnel) account code groups are: 101xx-102xx Unclassified (academic) Salaries/Pay 103xx-104xx Classified Salaries/Pay 105xx Student Pay 106xx Graduate Assistant Pay (GTA/GRA) 107xx Miscellaneous Benefits 109xx Other Payroll Benefits (OPE) & GTA/GRA Tuition fee remissions
OPAL Supplies & Services Accounts Supplies & Services accounts begin with a “2” e.g. 2xxxx The 8 Supplies & Services account code groups are: 20xxx Supplies and Minor Equipment 21xxx Agricultural Related 22xxx Communication/Postage 23xxx Utilities, Custodial, Maintenance/Repairs 24xxx Rentals/Leases and Services 25xxx Medical Services & Supplies 286xx Conference, and Non-OUS Participant Support 29xxx Expenses for Training OSU Employees
OPAL Travel Accounts Travel accounts begin with a “39” e.g. 39xxx Each group of travel accounts have codes for field trips & off-site athletic events that involve advisors, coaches, and students. The 3 major Travel account groups are: 394xx In-state Travel (to or from Oregon) 395xx Out-of-state Travel 396xx Foreign Travel
OPAL Subcontract Accounts Subcontract accounts begin with “399” e.g. 399xx The Subcontract account code series are divided by amount: The first $25,000 payments of each sub-award All payments >$25,000 of each sub-award The account code to be used is assigned by Business Affairs and the Office of Post Award Administration (OPAA)
OPAL Capital Expense Accounts Capital accounts begin with a “4” e.g. 4xxxx The Capital account code series has 4 groups: 401xx Equipment and Vehicles 403xx Land and Land Improvements 405xx Buildings and Building Improvements 407xx Infrastructure Improvements (wells, sewer systems)
OPAL Student Aid Accounts Student Aid accounts begin with a “5” e.g. 5xxxx The Student Aid account code groups are: 51xxx-53xxx Scholarships, Fellowships, & Grants 55xxx Participant Support Student supported by an external grant/contract award Student is not required to work; is not employed by OSU
OPAL “For Resale” Accounts Resale accounts begin with a “6” e.g. 6xxxx Merchandise for resale account codes are only used by Auxiliary Enterprises and Service Centers.
OPAL Overhead Recovery Accounts Recovery accounts begin with a “70” e.g. 70xxx These account codes are not to be used when processing a Banner document. Indirect cost recovery (overhead) account codes are generated by the system. Any adjustments to the amounts on these accounts will be made by Business Affairs.
OPAL Internal Reimbursement Accounts Internal reimbursement accounts begin with a “79” e.g. 79xxx Internal reimbursement account codes are used when one department/unit has performed a service for another. They are treated as a reduction of an expense. 79xxx can not be used with Designated Operations, Service Center, and Auxiliary Enterprise funds. These funds use the 09xxx account series (see slide 10).
OPAL Transfer Accounts Transfer accounts begin with a “9” e.g. 9xxxx Transfer account codes should not be used lightly, as there are many “rules” associated with them. Contact Business Affairs for specific instructions if you think a transfer code is needed.
Account Code Title Account code titles are posting descriptions that define revenue and expenses in the OSU financial system. See OUS website for detailed descriptions of each account code:
Account Code Types There are two levels of Account Code Types: The Internal Type code Is the highest level of roll up for Accounts, and includes Assets, Liabilities, General Expenses, etc. Correlates to the Data Warehouse Account Type Level 1 and the Type code Which is the second highest level of roll up for Accounts, and includes Cash, Receivables, Inventories, etc. within Assets. Correlates to the Data Warehouse Account Type Level 2
Account Codes at Oregon State University END Account Codes at Oregon State University