Constraints Space Load Capacity Costs Operating hours
Transport solutions
Advantages of an automated guided vehicle system Clear floorspace No floor deck construction Simple installation High availability/reliability Flexible performance increments Short installation times Simple expansion
Cost-effectiveness considerations Manned Automated forklift Transport (typical) Investment cost 100% 400% Manning costs 100% 5% Maintenance 100% 200% Transport damage 100% 5% Single shift Two shift Three shift Stacker Investment Stacker Stacker Investment Investment AGV AGV AGV Years Years Years
Optimal integration into your operating environment
The automated guided vehicle (AGV) system 2 = Load transfer positions 3 = Load handling equipment 4 = Load devices 5 = Guide track (laser, inductive, optical) 6 = Data transmission 7 = Management system 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 1 2 5
Application areas and load handling variations Distribution Warehousing Manufacturing Assembly Fork lift trucks Lift table Rollers Transverse forks Hospitals Assembly lines Store operation
Vehicle types
Vehicle functions Data exchange Infrared Radio Man / vehicle functions Inputs made via operator panel with its keyboard and display Destination input to the vehicle Plug-in manual control and diagnosis module Special functions Battery reserve monitoring Control of battery charging Obstacle recognition Route (destination) finding High vehicle intelligence Travel route topology stored in the vehicle Destination code processing Load-sensing and empty location recognition Load handling Load acceptance Load depositing Load monitoring Load transfer synchronization Guide track following Guided movements using: optical track inductive track "free-flight" (partly guide-trackless) "free-navigation" (guide-trackless Travel control Speed Safety gap maintenance Collision protection
Safety elements Audible signal Flasher Emergency stop Protective bar Status indicator Photobarrier Obstacle sensor Protective bar Side protection rails
Control concept PHS management computer Visualization Modem Terminal Log printer Peripheral devices
PHS management computer HOST AGVs AGV task allocation PHS management computer HOST AGVs Customer Control centre Transport request Transport order
AGV task allocation Collection point (source) Destination 'from' / 'to' order Vehicle knows the street network (layout) Current location TAXI Crossing management
Use of the drive batteries Operation from reserves (for 8-14 hours) Operation from reserves (with interim recharging (for 8-16 hours operation) Cyclic operation (for 24 hours operation)
Project implementation phases FUNCTIONAL ACCEPTANCE 1 by customer at PMH FUNCTIONAL ACCEPTANCE 2 by customer on site Performance and availability test Quote request Order placing Subcontracting Acceptance of subcon- tracted items PMH know-how Engineering design of subsystems Manufacture Vehicle test Assembly Commis- sioning Long-term test of individual components Order specification Install software Integration with application software System design Design Software Modify standard software Trial runs Needs Constraints Programming application software Testing application software Quality assurance Technical training Joint work comms'g Joint work testing Technical training Monitoring of the trial runs Customer training
Professional project management Customer Sales Engineering Planning and simulation Software/ control system Market Project management System- configuration Technical AGV Responsibility for: - functionality - delivery date - costs Production/ commissioning Subcontractors
Customer service Spare parts service Maintenance PMH-Service Customer service Spare parts service Maintenance Assistance Remedial maintenance Program maintenance Full maintenance Remote maintenance On call intervention Periodic On-site team