Early Learning Center @ Dr. H.O. Smith School Newsletter May 2017 Mary-Ellen Labrie Principal Sandie Johnstone Telephone: 886-1248 www.sau81.org Assistant Principal Dear Parents, In this edition of the Dr. H.O. Smith School Newsletter, we are sending home important dates of upcoming events along with other pertinent information. Thank you to all the school volunteers. Special Friends’ Day and the Book Fair was a huge success! Wellness Week Staff and students at Dr. H.O. Smith School will be celebrating Wellness Week May 8th through May 12th with fun activities. Step-Up Day On Thursday, May 25th, all first grade students will have the opportunity to visit their 2nd-5th grade school. A letter and permission form will be sent home on May 12th with your child. This is an important part of the process of transition from lower to upper elementary. Field Trips in June The first grade students’ Field Trip will be held at Davis Farmland in Sterling, MA. June 5th – Team A – Mrs. Landry, Mrs. O’Connell, Mrs. Saucier and Mrs. Smith June 6th – Team B – Mrs. Dekeon, Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Kelley and Miss Knapp June 12th – Team C – Ms. Albert, Mrs. Currier, Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Nerney LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS Last day for 1st grade students will be Wednesday, June 21st. Dismissal will be at 12:30 p.m. More information to follow in June. Please remember to inform the school office if your child will not be returning to the Hudson School District for the 2017/2018 school year. Guidance Word of the month: Manners
Summer Attire As the warm weather approaches, students need to wear appropriate, safe clothing and footwear. Please make sure your child wears appropriate footwear for the playground. Be aware that flip-flops and sandals can cause unnecessary falls, cuts and scrapes. Sunday Monday Tuesday May Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Teacher Appreciation Week Begins 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wellness Week Begins 9 10 School Nurse Day PTO meeting at LSS 6:30 p.m. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Popcorn 19 20 21 22 23 New 1st Grade Student Screening at HOS. 24 25 First Grade Step-up Day. 26 27 28 29 Memorial Day Observed NO SCHOOL 30 31 2017