A Partnership The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system work together. Neither one can function without the other. Effective action of each is required to maintain homeostasis.
Site of gas exchange Alveoli are the sites of gas exchange in the lungs. Alveoli are microscopic, thin-walled sacks. The alveolar membrane separates air from blood. Gasses diffuse across this membrane.
Respiratory Basics There are 4 steps involved in the process of respiration 1. Ventilation- inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide (breathing)
2. External respiration- gas exchange between the alveoli and the blood
3. Transportation- movement of gases through the bloodstream
4. Internal respiration- gas exchange occurring between blood and cells
A closer look at gas exchange What causes the movement of respiratory gases across membranes? Watch the animation. How would you define gas exchange? Changes in the Partial Pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
Transportation of O2 What protein on red blood cells delivers oxygen throughout the body? Hemoglobin
Transportation of CO2 Carbon dioxide is carried in a variety of ways: Bound to hemoglobin, 23% Dissolved in plasma, 7% As bicarbonate, 70%
Summary Animation Click on the picture to watch the video.
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