MATh Course Degree Satisfaction Shawnee State currently has 84 degrees Each Degree has at least one math course requirement We want to have two mappings to represent the relationships between degrees and their math requirements 1. What Math/Stat courses are needed for each degree f(degree) = math/STAT courses 2. What degrees can each math course be used for f(math/stat)= degree In this presentation, for a few math/stat courses, we list the degree that it can be used for.
Math 1100: Math Core Course Required for: BS Ed. Middle Childhood (Math/Lang. Arts, Soc. Science, Science ), BS Ed. Int. Specialists, BS Ed. Early Childhood Int. Specialist, BS Ed. Early Childhood PreK -3 Can Satisfy: BS. Ed Middle Childhood (non math concentration), BS Soc. Studies AYA, BS History, AS of Sci: Occup. Th. , BA Soc. Sci, AS of Arts: Soc. Sci, BS Athletic Training, BS Sports Studies, BS Sports Management, BA English (Gen, Comm., Cult.and media, AYA), BA Phil. And Rel., BFA (Fine arts except Game Similation)
Math 1170: Applied Finite Math Required for: None (It used to be required for Business related degrees) Can Satisfy: BS. Ed Middle Childhood (non math concentration), BS Soc. Studies AYA, BS History, AS of Sci: Occup. Th. , BA Soc. Sci, AS of Arts: Soc. Sci, BS Athletic Training, BS Sports Studies, BS Sports Management, BA English (Gen, Comm., Cult.and media, AYA), BA Phil. And Rel., BFA (Fine arts except Game Similation) AS of Applied Sci Natural Sci.
Math 1200: College Algebra Required for: BS Ed. Middle Childhood (Math/Lang. Arts, Soc. Science, Science); AS of Applied Sci.: Resp. Therapy, AS of Applied Sci.: Radiologic Tech, AS of Applied Sci.: Comp. Aided Drafting:-Manufacturing Can Satisfy: BS. Ed Middle Childhood (non math concentration), BS Soc. Studies AYA, BS History,, BA Soc. Sci, BA Soc. Sci:Legal Assistant, AS of Arts: Soc. Sci, BS Athletic Training, BS Sports Studies, BS Sports Management, BA English (Gen, Comm., Cult.and media, AYA), BA Phil. And Rel., BFA (Fine arts except Game Similation), BA Soc. Sci Legal Assiting, AS of Applied Sci.: Med. Lab., BS. Natural Sci (Chem, Biol, Phys., Geol.)
STAT 1800:Business Stat Required for: BS Information Systems Management, BS Marketing, BS Legal Assistant, BS Accounting, BS Health Care Administration, BS Management, AS of Applied Business: Business Management, Can Satisfy: BS. Ed Middle Childhood (non math concentration), BS Soc. Studies AYA, BS History, BA Soc Sci Legal Assistant, BA Soc. Sci, AS of Arts: Soc. Sci, BS Athletic Training, BS Sports Studies, BS Sports Management, BA English (Gen, Comm., Cult.and media, AYA), BA Phil. And Rel., BFA (Fine arts except Game Simulation), AS of Applied Bus.: (legal Assistant, Inform. Tech Management,)