Building Foundation Plan for Graduation Building your Foundation Plan for Graduation
How would you like your house to be… Like this? or Like this? How would you like your house to be Like this or Like this?
Where does your graduation plan start?
Looking at different models which one can you live with? I know which model I want! Looking at different models which one can you live with?
These options are called Endorsements. Let’s Talk about Your Options! These options are called Endorsements. Arts and Humanities Business and Industry Multidisciplinary Studies Public Service STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) WHAT DO ALL THESE WORDS MEAN???!!! Let’s talk about your options! These options are called Endorsements. Arts and Humanities Business and Industry Multidisciplinary Studies Public Service STEM which is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics What do all these words mean??
Do You Enjoy Being Creative? Do you like to… DANCE DRAW ACT PLAY MUSIC WRITE SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE STUDY HISTORY Do you enjoy being creative? Do you like to Dance, Draw, Act, Play Music, Write, Speak another Language or Study History
AN ARTS AND HUMANITIES ENDORSEMENT IS FOR YOU!! IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE: PERFORMING ARTS: Band, Choir, Orchestra, Dance VISUAL ARTS/ARTIST: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, AP Art THEATRE ARTS: Theatre Arts, Technical Theatre, Theatre Production Then an Arts & Humanities Endorsement is for you! In High School the course options include: Performing Arts, Visual Arts & Theatre Arts But wait, there is more!!! But wait, there’s MORE……..!!!
ARTS AND HUMANITIES Continued.. IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE: CULTURE STUDIES/FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Spanish, French, German, Latin LITERATURE/WRITER: Literary Genres, Creative Writing, AP English SOCIAL STUDIES: World Geography/History, U.S. History, Government/Economics, plus one social studies elective Arts & Humanities options also include Culture Studies Literature And Social Studies Not All course options are available at every PISD High School campus
Do You Dream of Making the World a Better Place? Are you interested in….. Politics Medical Studies Teaching Law Military Cosmetology Early Childhood Do you dream of making the world a better place? Are you interested in Politics, Medical Studies, Teaching, Law, Military, Cosmetology or Early Childhood?
A PUBLIC SERVICES ENDORSEMENT IS FOR YOU!! IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE: POLITICIAN/LAWYER: Political Science, Government, Public Administration MEDICAL STUDIES: Health Science, Medical Terminology, World Health Research TEACHING: Child Development, Education Training Then a Public Services Endorsement is for you! In High School the course options include: Politician/Lawyer, Medical Studies, Teaching
PUBLIC SERVICES ENDORSEMENT Continued… IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE: MILITARY: ROTC for four years COSMETOLOGY: Human Services, Cosmetology EARLY CHILDHOOD: Child Development, Child Guidance Public Services Endorsement also include Military, Cosmetology and Early Childhood Not All course options are available at every PISD High School campus
Do You Like Science and/or Math? Are you interested in…. Robotics Engineering Advanced Mathematics Sciences Do you like Science and/or Math? Are you interested in Robotics, Engineering, Advanced Mathematics and Sciences
A STEM ENDORSEMENT IS FOR YOU A STEM ENDORSEMENT IS FOR YOU!! STEM stands for SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATH IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE: MATHEMATICS: Regular math courses + ADVANCED MATHEMATICS COURSES (i.e. PRE-CAL, CALCULUS, STATISTICS) SCIENCE: Regular science courses + ADVANCED SCIENCE COURSES (i.e. PHYSICS, AP PHYSICS, BIOLOGY AP, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AP) ENGINEERING: Concepts of Engineering, Electronics, Engineering Design & Presentation, which also includes specialization in Robotics or Process Technology Then a STEM Endorsement is for you! In High School the course options include: Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Not All course options are available at every PISD High School campus
Do You Enjoy Working on Projects and Hands-On Activities? Are you interested in…. Architecture Agriculture Business Fashion Design Marketing Maritime Culinary Arts Graphic Design Photography Journalism Auto Technology Welding Do you enjoy working on Projects and Hands-On Activities? Are you interested in Architecture, Agriculture, Business, Fashion or Graphic Design, Marketing, Culinary Arts, Photography, Journalism, Auto Technology, Welding or Maritime
An Endorsement in BUSINESS and INDUSTRY is the one for YOU! IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS WOULD INCLUDE: AGRICULTURE STUDIES Floral Design, Landscape Design, Livestock Production, Small Animal Management, Range Ecology ARCHITECTURE: Construction Technology, Architecture Design, Interior Design, Building Maintenance, Cabinetmaking Tech GENERAL BUSINESS: Business Law, Finance, Money Matters, Accounting, Business Information Management MARKETING: Sports Marketing, Marketing Dynamics, Career Prep Then an Endorsement in Business & Industry is the one for you! In High School the course options include: Agriculture Studies, Architecture, General Business, and Marketing
BUSINESS and INDUSTRY Continued……. IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS WOULD INCLUDE: HOSPITALITY: Hotel Management, Practicum in Hospitality Services 1 & 2 FASHION DESIGN: Fashion Marketing, Fashion Design CULINARY ARTS: Restaurant Management, Nutrition and Wellness, Culinary COMPUTER MAINTENANCE/NETWORKING: Principles of IT, Web Technologies, Computer Technician, Telecom and Networking Business & Industry High School course options also include Hospitality, Fashion Design, Culinary Arts, Computer Maintenance/Networking
More BUSINESS and INDUSTRY options.. HIGH SCHOOL ALSO OFFERS COURSES IN: AUDIO/VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Graphic Design, Commercial Photography, Video Production, and Journalism TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION & LOGISTICS Small Engine, Auto Technology, and Collision Repair, Maritime, Port Operations MANUFACTURING Welding and Advanced Welding Other Business & Industry High School course options include Audio/Video Technology Transportation, Distribution & Logistics and Manufacturing Not All course options are available at every PISD High School campus
Do You Want to Experience a Broad Overview of Various Types of Courses? Athletic Training AVID Fitness/Health Core Classes AP/Dual Credit Do you want to experience a broad overview of various types of courses? Such as, Athletic Training, AVID, Fitness & Health, Core Classes, AP/Dual Credit
A MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES ENDORSEMENT IS FOR YOU!! IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS WOULD INCLUDE: HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE ATHLETIC TRAINING: Athletics, Athletics Training 1 & 2 CORE COURSES: 4 credits in each subject area to include English 4 and chemistry and/or physics HEALTH/WELLNESS: Personal Fitness, Aerobics, Health, Individual/Team Sports, Outdoor Education/Life Then a Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement is for you! In high school the course options would include: Athletic Training Core Courses – which is 4 credits in each subject are to include English 4 and Chemistry and or Physics or Health/Wellness
MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES also includes… IN HIGH SCHOOL THE COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE: AVID SPECIALIZATION: AVID Elective 1 – 4 AP COURSES: 4 Advanced Placement course credits DUAL CREDIT: 4 Dual Credit course credits (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Economics, LOTE, or Fine Arts) Multidisciplinary Studies high school course options also include AVID Specialization AP Courses and Dual Credit
Which Endorsement Will YOU Decide to Take? Arts and Humanities Business and Industry Multidisciplinary Studies Public Service STEM Which Endorsement will you decide to take? Arts & Humanities Business & Industry Multidisciplinary Studies Public Service STEM
Now you have picked your BLUE PRINT for the next 4 years Now you have picked your Blue Print for the next four years! Your blueprint is your four year personal graduation plan on the model you picked. The example in this slide is a Public Service Endorsement with an Interest in Medical Studies
Let’s start pouring your foundation 9th grade year - Build a strong foundation 4 core courses + 3 required state electives Let’s start pouring your foundation! 9th Grade year – build a strong foundation to include 4 core courses and 3 required state electives English I, Algebra I, Biology and World Geography Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Physical Education or Endorsement Course selection based on your model Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Physical Education or Endorsement course selection based on your model English I Algebra I Biology World Geography
Let’s start pouring your foundation Pass 3 End of Course exams in the following subjects: Part of pouring your foundation you must also Pass 3 End of Course exams in the following subjects Biology EOC Algebra I EOC and English I EOC Biology EOC Algebra I EOC English I EOC Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Physical Education or Endorsement course selection based on your model English I Algebra I Biology World Geography
Now you are ready to begin the 10th grade by building the framework Eng II EOC Now you are ready to begin the 10th grade by building the framework English II, Geometry, Chemistry, World History, Eng II EOC Continue to complete state requirements You must start your CTE Pathway If you did not take Fine Arts in 9th grade you must take in 10th grade When you have completed your 10th grade you should have 14 credits And passed 4 of the EOC’s You must start your CTE pathway When you have completed your 10th grade year you should have 14 credits and Passed 4 of the 5 EOC’s If you did not take Fine Arts in 9th must take In 10th World History Continue to complete state requirements Chemistry Geometry Biology EOC Algebra I EOC English I EOC Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Physical Education or Endorsement course selection based on your model English II English 1 Algebra I Biology World Geography
In the 11th grade prepare to cover and strengthen your foundation Endorsement Course Selection In the 11th grade prepare to cover and strengthen your foundation English III | Algebra II | US Hist. | Physics You now have room in your schedule for additional features. AP Courses, Dual Credit, more endorsement courses or extra electives such as Health and Speech. US Hist EOC Eng II EOC In the 11th grade prepare to cover and strengthen your foundation. English III, Algebra II, US History, Physics and Endorsement Course Selection You now have room in your schedule for additional features. AP Courses, Dual Credit, more endorsement courses or extra electives such as Health and Speech And pass the US History EOC You must start your CTE pathway When you have completed your 10th grade year you should have 14 credits and Passed 4 of the 5 EOC’s If you did not take Fine Arts in 9th must take In 10th World History Continue to complete state requirements Chemistry Geometry Biology EOC Algebra I EOC English I EOC Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Physical Education or Endorsement course selection based on your model English II English 1 Algebra I Biology World Geography
As you are preparing to close the door to your SENIOR year… Your final courses consist of English IV, Government, Economics, 4th Math, 4th Science, Last Endorsement Course Sequence English IV, Government Economics 4th Math 4th Science Last Endorsement Course Sequence
Here is what I have accomplished 4 Credits Endorsement Selection Pass all 5 EOC’s 1 credit Physical Education 1 credit Fine Art 2 credits Foreign Language 2 credits State Electives Here is what you have accomplished 4 credits of English, 4 credits of Math, 4 credits of Science, 4 credits of Social Studies 1 credit of Physical Education, 1 credit of Fine Art 2 credits Foreign Language, 2 credits State Electives 4 credits of your Endorsement Selection And Pass all 5 EOC’s 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math 4 credits of Science 4 credits of Social Studies
Endorsement and Distinguished Level is complete My Foundation Plan with an Endorsement and Distinguished Level is complete 26 credits Your Foundation Plan with an Endorsement and Distinguished Level is complete! You have fulfilled the 26 credit requirement!
Walking out of the front door with a strong foundation to a world of possibilities Now you will be walking out of the front door with a strong foundation to a world of possibilities! You can now choose to continue your education and go to college or step right into your career of a lifetime! The possibilities are endless! College Career