Photo, Photo sharing and Vlogs By Nora, Amandine, Sarah and Laetitia 8.2.08 MS 2 & 3
Picture and Photo sharing We can just share pictures in the internet on a Blog because instead nobody could see it and because Internet is worldwide. Mostly there are funny or interesting pictures for everyone. You can share under Blogs, Websites, Homepages and more. You can write under some pictures comments. Sometime there are jokes written on the picture. Sometimes you can vote which picture is the best one on this side. Picture sharing does also mean that people can copy those pictures and can use them. You can also save the pictures when you don’t want that people can copy them.
Vlogs A Vlog = A video blog Vlogs are similar to normal Blogs and Websites. A Vlog is mostly regularly updated. A vlog mostly contains videos, that why it is called vlog. The videos are used to share information with people all over the world. Here are some examples of vlogs: YouTube, My Video, Clip fish and Google video.
Blogs Blogs are websites or only diaries that are mostly made by a single person, but they can also be made by many people. On a blog you can submit comments, view picture and videos, or read information that was posted. Here are some examples of websites where you can create your own blog: BlogSpot and Wordpress
Blogs VS. Vlogs Blogs: Vlogs: Blogs are websites that show works of your school or job but there you can‘t search for videos. On blogs you can put posts and can view photos and videos. You have side widgets where you can put several links to other webpages. Vlogs: Vlogs are websites on where you can search for different videos.
The History of Vlogs Vlogs became 2004 very popular in Germany. Many people think that this happened because of the Tsunami in Indonesia. This is one reason, the other one is that web cams and technology became better over the years.