Chap 8 Political Geography
Quick Chapter Overview We talked about Nation vs State vs Country and used George Demko’s definitions, I find this a better set of tools then provided by Rubenstein. Make sure you know Demko’s definitions, review that powerpoint
8.1 The definition here of a State is similar to Demko’s but not as complete, read this and compare with Demko’s in the Powerpoint using Japan as an illustration
8.2 Challenges in Defining States A good bit of the globe is still up for grabs Russia recently planted its flag on the seabed below the North Pole. Also refer back to the powerpoint laying-out Demko’s definitions Look ahead to section on colonies
Anacrtica: Not a Soveriegn State – at least not for now
8.3 Development of States As you read about ancient states and city states does this make you reconsider how you think about Afghanistan or Somolia? Is tribalism still strong in these places? Note that most European nation-states were created mainly in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Ancient city states and empires strongly linked to the environment (i Ancient city states and empires strongly linked to the environment (i.e. food production)
8.4 Nation-States & Multinational States Under Demko and Ethnicity we discussed much of this. Please review
8.5 Review the three reasons for establishing colonies. Note that number two was the most important Note that most current colonies are rather small isolated islands.
8.6 Boundaries Physical and cultural features and geometric have mainly been used to create political boundaries. This practice has both pluses and minuses, what might these be? Such boundaries may or may not reflect cultural boundaries.
Mountain Boundaries Mo
Historical Instability of Desert Boundaries
Geometric Boundaries
Cultural Boundaries
Surrounded Countries
8.7 Shape The shape and location of a state both represents a historical heritage and indicates possible challenges to future stability. Why?
Elongated State
Fragmented State
Perforated State
Prorupted States
Compact States
8.8 Governing States Know the difference between Democracy—Anocracy—Autocracy And the three elements related to them What is the difference between a unitary and federal state? What is the US and why? What about Canada or China?
Why is Africa so fragile? Why is Africa so fragile?
8.9 All you need to know about how “representative government” works or doesn’t work. Recently Californians voted to end Gerrymandering. Texas on the other hand is Gerrymanders paradise at present.
The Original Gerrymander
Review the various tricks for modern Gerrymandering
Gerrymandering Explained – click and watch this video
Gerrymandering: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Booo… no Gerrymandering in Iowa
Hurrah!!! Gerrymandering is not an threatened species inTexas, Florida or Georgia
2008 California stopped Gerrymandering!!! In November 2008, California voters passed Proposition 11, authorizing a state redistricting commission.[ While the long-term results will bear out over time, independent studies by the Public Policy Institute of California, the National Journal, and Ballotpedia have shown that California now has some of the most competitive districts in the nation, creating opportunities for new elected officials.
Now the Supreme Court has weighed in
Even Florida is changing
Gerrymandering and Legislatures Did you ever wonder why a national party could lose the presidency but win the House of Representatives -- one possible cause (although not the only one) is Gerrymandering.
Too big to ignore: How counting people in prisons distorted Census 2000
8.10 Supra-National organizations, is this the wave of the future in a globalizing world?
8.11 & 12 Terrorism, one way that non-state entities attempt to effect state activities. Are there others? State sponsored terriorism – Libya had been highly involved before the Arab Spring.
http://www. youtube. com/watch