Computer Science Outreach and Study: Difference in interest and ability raised in elementary students through “Computer Science Unplugged” supplemented with lectures and as standalone activities By Bryan Gallo
Contents Introduction Background Information Outline of the Study Inspiration Types of Learning Computer Science Unplugged Outline of the Study Performing outreach program Binary Numbers Searching Algorithms Sorting Algorithms Results Conclusion
Introduction- Project Outline Research computer science teaching methods for younger students Computer Science Unplugged – collection of CS learning activities that do not use computers. Designed for younger students. Goal - Contribute to the research on these learning activities. Particularly regarding supplementing the activities with lectures. Method – CS outreach at an elementary school
Introduction – Case Specifics Outreach offered at a Pittsburgh Intermediate School (Chartiers Valley) 3rd and 4th grade classes were interested in the program The classes were split into two groups, separated by types of learning. Each group had 3 forty-minute classes All students took a survey before the first class and after the last
Background Information Inspiration for Project High demand for computer science students More classes are being offered to younger students ACM K – 12 Task Force outlined learning objectives by age and grade level
Background Information Inspiration for Project Grades 3–5: Upon completion of grade 5, students will: 1. Be comfortable using keyboards and other input and output devices, and reach an appropriate level of proficiency using the keyboard with correct fingering. 2. Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide. 3. Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information, and describe personal consequences of inappropriate use. 4. Use general-purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, remediate skill deficits, and facilitate learning throughout the curriculum. 5. Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, Web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create presentations for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 6. Use telecommunications efficiently to access remote information, communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning, and pursue personal interests.
Background Information Inspiration for Project 7. Use online resources (e.g., e-mail, online discussions, Web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities for the purpose of developing solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 8. Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. 9. Determine which technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems. 10.Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias that occur in electronic information sources. 11. Develop a simple understanding of an algorithm, such as text compression, search, or network routing, using computer-free exercises
Background Information Types of Learning Activity Supplemented with Lecture Introduced to the topics of the lesson and its applications Listen to a lecture explaining the topic in detail covering how to complete the activity Discuss results Standalone Activity Begin activity and address questions and issues as they come up
Background Information Computer Science Unplugged Collection of computer science learning activities do not require computers or technical skills. Developed by the CS Education Research Group at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Has had the most success with students ages 5 – 12. This project will take use three categories of the Computer Science Unplugged activities Data representation Searching Sorting
Outreach Program CSU – Data Representation Binary Numbers Activity: Students will have cards with numbers on them to represent the bits. Each “bit” follow an set of steps to represent the correct number They learn the step by step process to convert binary to decimal Goal: Introduction to following an algorithm, understanding an algorithm
Outreach Program CSU – Searching Activity: Students will play a game of ‘battleship’ in which the ships appear in sorted order. They will use linear, binary, and hashing sorting algorithms to find their opponents battleship first. Goal: Introduces the students to optimal algorithms and gives more practice following an algorithm.
Outreach Program CSU – Sorting Activity: Students will learn bubble sort and quicksort algorithms to sort a set of weighted containers using a scale Goal: Builds on optimal algorithms and following an algorithm.
Results Data Gathering Topics of Comparison Desire to continue learning about computer science Understanding of Binary Numbers Understanding of Searching Algorithms Understanding of Sorting Algorithms Fun had in the outreach
Results Questions #1 - 5 Supplemented with Lecture: Before Mean: #.## After Average: #.## P-value: .## Standalone Activity: Before Mean: #.## After Average: #.## P-value: .## Difference in teaching methods (Lecture - standalone): Two-tailed p-value T-value: .## Difference in Means: #.## 95% confidence interval: (#.##,#.##)
Results Desire to continue learning Supplemented with Lecture: Before Average: 4.4 After Average: 4.8 P-value: .18 Standalone Activity: Before Average: 4.0 After Average: 4.2 P-value: .61 Difference in teaching methods: Two-tailed p value: .6752 T-value: .422 Difference in Means: .2 95% confidence interval: (-0.78,1.19)
Results Understanding of Binary Numbers Supplemented with Lecture: Before Average: 2.3 After Average: 4.8 P-value: <.0001 Standalone Activity: Before Average: 1.1 After Average: 4.6 P-value: <.0001 Difference in teaching methods: Two-tailed p value: .032 T-value: 2.2312 Difference in Means: -.92 95% confidence interval: (-1.76,-0.08)
Results Understanding of Searching Algorithms Supplemented with Lecture: Before Average: 2.3 After Average: 4.7 P-value: <.0001 Standalone Activity: Before Average: 1.1 After Average: 4.5 P-value: <.0001 Difference in teaching methods: Two-tailed p value: .027 T-value: 2.309 Difference in Means: -.97 95% confidence interval: (-1.82,-0.12)
Results Understanding of Sorting Algorithms Supplemented with Lecture: Before Average: 2.4 After Average: 4.6 P-value: <.0001 Standalone Activity: Before Average: 1.2 After Average: 4.5 P-value: <.0001 Difference in teaching methods: Two-tailed p value: .008 T-value: 2.812 Difference in Means: -1.18 95% confidence interval: (-2.02,-.33)
Results Computer Science is fun Supplemented with Lecture: Before Average: 4.2 After Average: 4.7 P-value: .0405 Standalone Activity: Before Average: 3.6 After Average:4.7 P-value: .0015 Difference in teaching methods: Two-tailed p value: .2105 T-value: 1.276 Difference in Means: -.6 95% confidence interval: (-1.55,.35)
Conclusion – Summary of Data Questions compared Desire to continue learning about computer science No Significant Conclusion Understanding of Binary Numbers Both groups said they had a better understanding of binary numbers after the outreach more than 95% confident the standalone activity group expressed a better understanding Understanding of Searching Algorithms Understanding of Sorting Algorithms Fun had in the outreach
Conclusion – Observations Outreach benefitted individuals more than others Standalone Activity group struggled more than lecture group By the end I saw more engagement from activity class Some in the activity class gave up or couldn’t grasp concept and didn’t gain much from the activity Future work Explore other methods of data gathering with younger students Test aptitude and compare it to interest survey
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