Outreach WG Annual Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Outreach WG Annual Meeting The Next Generation of Aviation Professionals Outreach WG Annual Meeting Deliverable Update 2016 Lori J. Brown, FRAeS NGAP Outreach Chair Western Michigan University, Associate Professor Lori.Brown@wmich.edu

Outreach member 2017 deliverable assignments Lori Brown Outreach Chair, NGAP. Associate Professor, WMU IPTA Council and Outreach WG Western Michigan University, USA IPTA, NGAP Lori.Brown@wmich.edu   Dawn Flanagan Technical Officer ICAO dflanagan@icao.int Miguel Marin C/OPS mmarin@icao.int Fadimatou Noutchemo President YAAPA noutchemo@hotmail.com Frank Hofmann IAOPA Representative to ICAO IAOPA fhofmann1941@gmail.com Gong Jianyu Secretary General CAAC Dream Flight Foundation dreamflightfound@163.com Jorge E. Calaf Dean University of Puerto Rico JCALAF@BAYAMON.INTER.EDU Kevin Caron Head, Global Training & Developing Nations Airport Assistance Programme ACI kcaron@aci.aero Kirsten Riensema Air Navigation Commissioner UK Alternate Representative to ICAO United Kingdom KRiensema@icao.int Laurent Fournier Head of MCTA/ATCO Training Programme Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, France laurent.fournier@enac.fr Lynne McMullen Director Business Development School of Aviation Board of Directors, AABI Seneca College Lynne.McMullen@senecacollege.ca Mavis Chung Senior Manager (Aviation Industry Division), CAAS Singapore mavis_chung@caas.gov.sg Ousama Al Balaa RAeS IPTA, Outreach Stream Bavicon obalaa@bavicon.com Sherry Saehlenou Avion Training catrainingsolutions@gmail.com Suzanne Kearns Associate Professor, President, University Aviation Association University of Waterloo suzanne.kearns@uwaterloo.ca Tilmann Gabriel Assistant Professor/Director MSc Aviation Management IPTA Tilmann.Gabriel@city.ac.uk Victoria Romero Manager Training and Licensing IATA romerov@iata.org Sandra Wagner FAA Flight Standards Service Project Manager FAA Sandra.wagner@faa.gov Dev Samarajeewa* Ceci Shirley *Virtual AABI Sri Lanka- CAASL   mdevkowsala@gmail.com

NGAP Outreach -2016 in review To view video click here

Communications and Publicity Subgroup Lead Victoria, Sherry C1- NGAP Outreach Newsletter Define audience and develop mailing list to distribute the NGAP Newsletter (Dawn, Victoria, Kevin) Identify and contact organizations that could support/provide lists or send the Newsletter to their contact lists (e.g., IATA and ACI training departments)

C1- NGAP Outreach Newsletter Develop communication strategy to get information for Newsletter (Victoria, Sherry) 2017 timelines have been set and will be distributed to stakeholders Conference calls with stakeholders will be scheduled More focus on other professional areas (other than pilots) Coordinate with events groups and partners

NGAP Outreach Newsletter Guidelines

C1- NGAP Outreach Newsletter Facilitate community-based outreach Use social media to promote events (Dev) Guidelines on how to share posts on the NGAP Facebook account will be sent to all NGAP members (Dev) Presentation for NGAP at ICAO (GAT) Training Symposium in April in Ethiopia (Deborah)

C3- NGAP Publicity Develop video campaign and disseminate with community outreach mechanisms. (Lori, IPTA-Ousama, Jorge, Deborah, Laurent) Produced sample career video – click here to view video Next steps-NGAP who are we, YAAPA Africa, and other aviation professions. Dropbox for images and video-coordinate with Implementation Photo release completed Coordinate video overlays with print material Generated new QR code

NGAP student focus groups Provide input Beta test outreach videos Provide content

C-3) NGAP Website-(Fadi, Dev) Objectives: Gain a better understanding on who are the people who visit the NGAP web pages and how many people visit them Review existing pages and suggest updates and improvements (Mavis, Darius)

C-3) NGAP Website Create page “Outreach Activities around the World” where the Newsletter will be uploaded to create more awareness on the different Outreach activities Create more awareness on the NGAP webpages through promotion in the Newsletter, NGAP Facebook, etc.

C-3) NGAP Website Gather data/links/content for the revised NGAP website Develop procedure to help support/promote global events and STEM by publicizing events/activities on ICAO website, and community These points will be subject to the analysis of the targeted audience

Events Sub-group ICAO Organized NGAP Related Events (Kirsten, Deborah, Lori) 1. Discuss theme, agenda, develop list of potential speakers for NGAP Global Symposium 2. Discuss input to GAT Symposium (Deborah)

Events Sub-group Lead-Lynne, Ceci Coordinate with Halldale to define our role- as needed to support Halldale with SECA Roundtable Meeting with ICAO, IPTA, NGAP, and U.S. Regional Airlines and RAA to determine how NGAP and IPTA can assist with immediate needs (Lori, Lynne, RAA, ilmann, Miguel) Outreach Mini-Meeting (Lori) Orlando, FL May 1, 2017 Input and presentations for the AABI annual meeting (July 17-21 2017) Michigan (Ceci, Lori, Lynne and Jorge). Coordinated with Linda (HR at ICAO)

External Outreach Activities Not included in WG tasks Collaboration with IAOPA (Lori, Frank) Will promote external outreach activities such as: Dreams Soar, Air Adventure, NGAP textbook and Aviation Ambassador program in the newsletter, webpage etc.