REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP Registered Apprenticeship (RA) is an employer-driven model that combines on-the-job training with related classroom instruction “Earn and Learn” In U.S. over 75 years Today approximately 24,000+ RA programs serving over 450,000 apprentices
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP 5 CORE COMPONENTS Employer Driven Model: Employers play the key role in program design On the job training (OJT): Skills mapping Hands-on training through an experienced mentor Typically not less than one year
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP 5 CORE COMPONENTS Related Instruction & Training (RTI): Business & RA partners work together to design job-related academic competencies Delivered in a flexible manner Rewards for Skills Gains: Apprentices receive increases in pay as their skills & knowledge increase Employers establish the wage scale National Occupational Credential
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP BUSINESS BENEFITS Customized Training resulting in highly skilled workers trained to employer/industry specifications Increased Productivity & Knowledge Transfer resulting from OJT and related classroom instruction Improved Retention that helps to create a stable talent pipeline- “grow your own” Tax Credits
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP WORKER BENEFITS Target Populations: Dislocated workers Women Communities of color Youth Opportunity Youth (high school drop-outs and disconnected young people), Veterans People with disabilities
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP WORKER BENEFITS Emphasis on Safety Training Flexible Training Model: School-based, Employer-based, or On-line Flexible Program Design: Time-based, Competency-based, or Hybrid
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP WORKER BENEFITS Flexible RTI: Traditional RA= concurrent OJT & RTI “Front-loaded” Model “Segmented” Model Pre-apprenticeship Model MI-BEST
REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP WORKER BENEFITS College Credits Access to Public Financial Resources: WIOA Pell Grants GI Bill Career Advancement
APRRENTICESHIPUSA STATE ACCELERATOR GRANT Activities and Outcomes (July 2016 – May 2018)
PURPOSE Development of Statewide Strategic Plan Build capacity for conducting outreach & working with industry leaders & participants Target MAP Sectors: Advanced Manufacturing Automotive Subsector Provide technical assistance in best practices & innovation: Sector partnerships Career pathways
ACTIVITIES AND OUTCOMES Convene and engage MAP Planning Council Identify subject matter experts (SMEs) to aid planning Conduct RA learning tours Conduct employer and apprentice focus groups and surveys MDES fiscal agent 2-year project period (5/30/18) – ANTICIPATE COMPLETION OF INITIAL DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN BY END OF NEXT YEAR See MAP Planning Council list in handouts.
ACTIVITIES AND OUTCOMES Develop MAP website Collect & submit RA data to DOL Identify state level co-investment & leveraged resources in apprenticeship innovation MDES fiscal agent 2-year project period (5/30/18) – ANTICIPATE COMPLETION OF INITIAL DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN BY END OF NEXT YEAR See MAP Planning Council list in handouts.
APRRENTICESHIPUSA EXPANSION GRANT Goals and Outcomes (November 2016 – April 2018)
GOALS AND OUTCOMES Project Goals Project Outcomes 1. Expand Registered Apprenticeship sponsors 1A. Increased penetration of RA in new industry sectors, including the advanced manufacturing and automotive sectors, as well as other industries identified by MAP Planning Council. 1B. Recruitment of all 15 MS community colleges & MCCB into RACC. 2. Expand state capacity to support Registered Apprenticeships 2A. Increased benefits, training, and technical assistance to employers participating in RA. 2B. Increased credit and credential attainment and other benefits for Registered apprentices. 3. Target and increase the participation and completion of diverse populations in Registered Apprenticeships 3A. Increased diversity in RA. See Expansion Grant Performance Chart in handouts.
EXPANSION GRANT ACTIVITIES: Employer Engagement Participant Engagement
EXPANSION GRANT ACTIVITIES: 3. Statewide Alignment and Engagement 4. Postsecondary Education Alignment
MAP PROJECT CONTACTS MDES MCCB MDA Laura Ring Grants Management Director LRing@mdes.ms.gov 601-321-6017 Josh Bower Workforce Education Director jbower@mccb.edu 601-432-6222 Michael Curran Workforce Specialist, mcurran@mississippi.org (601) 359-2911 Robert DeYoung Deputy Grants Management Director rdeyoung@mdes.ms.gov 601-321-6477 Kenneth Wheatley Resource Development Director kwheatley@mccb.edu 601-432-6171 Kathryn Stokes Strategic Affairs Officer KStokes@mdes.ms.gov 601-321-6526 Dr. Gloria Cross Mwase Project Consultant gloriamwase@gmail.com 601-480-8998 Donna Hollis Apprenticeship Liaison DHollis@mdes.ms.gov 601-321-6051 Apprenticeship Business Coordinator- TBH Jackie Turner Deputy Executive Director, CFO Jturner@mdes.ms.gov 601-321-6346