What Is Intelligence?
What skills or characteristics do “smart people” possess? Verbal?? Problem Solving? Practical??
Aptitude Vs Achievement a test designed to predict a person’s future performance aptitude is the capacity to learn Achievement a test designed to assess what a person has learned
Does an IQ Test measure aptitude or achievement? Defined: Does an IQ Test measure aptitude or achievement?
Intelligence Quotient Tests Stanford - Binet: MA/CA X 100 =IQ The Wechsler IQ Test ( WAIS) Performance Verbal General Intelligence (g) factor that underlies specific mental abilities( Spearman)
Factor Analysis
Are IQ Test Valid? Reliable? Reliability the extent to which a test yields consistent results assessed by consistency of scores on: two halves of the test alternate forms of the test retesting Validity the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to
Howard Gardeners Theory: Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic Logic-mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Personal
Typical IQs by Profession 140: Top Civil Servants; Professors and Scientists. 130: Physicians; Lawyers; Engineers School Teachers; Pharmacists; Accountants; Nurses; Stenographers; Managers. 120: 110: Foremen; Clerks; Telephone Operators; Salesmen; Policemen; Electricians. 100+: Machine Operators; Shopkeepers; Butchers; Welders; Sheet Metal Workers. 100-: Warehousemen; Carpenters; Cooks and Bakers; Small Farmers; Truck Drivers. 90: Laborers; Gardeners; Farmhands; Miners; Factory Packers.