Visit to Saclay – XFEL Village


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Presentation transcript:

Visit to Saclay – XFEL Village Overview General Comments Details - RO 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

03-05.06: 2 phase pipe assembly  primary activity Roll Out of XM-2: 29.05 HOM tuning (C. Simon): 30-31.05 03.06: Start visit 03-05.06: 2 phase pipe assembly  primary activity 04.06: He vessel hardware mounting (thermal sensors, MLI/mag shield) 04.06: Alignment (roll) check 05.06: last day of visit 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

Average: 10 people present Key staff: CEA: Catherine Madec Stephane Berry Jean-Pierre Charrier - long time SRF tech Thierry Trublot - Quality engineer Christel Cloue - Quality engineer Michel Fontaine - alignment Alsyom Aurelien – lead supervisor 6 tech SEIV – welding Tech (both part of Alcen) DESY Wolfgang Maschmann Heiko Hintz – TuV/Desy Oliver Paschold - Welder Average: 10 people present 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

3-way Tech-Transfer in full-swing General Comments: 3-way Tech-Transfer in full-swing Use of Contingency: developing tooling or reducing schedule – risk Minimizing string ‘g-shock’ Contaminant adhesion under vacuum / backfill? Roll alignment and string assembly / cavity support system Hardware (screws etc) procurement, preparation and certification 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

Details: 2-phase pipe assembly Ti pipe (Formed bellows leak problem with CM-2, Fermilab) Trimming, cleaning, orbital welding and leak checking Problems / questions: Pipe trimmer weight – twisting and vibrating the string Leak checking using the rubber clamshell Weld qualification Bellows handling 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

String Assembly and Ti pipe assembly Details: Alignment String Assembly and Ti pipe assembly (Multiple support systems: cavity, roll-restraint and bellows) Tolerance: +/- 26 m-rad (warm coupler offset) Problems / questions: Comments from Alsyom engineers Roll problem: Cav 6, PXFEL2-2 Roll-restraint ‘inverted A’ frame 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

Details: Shields Cavity (H 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

Fermilab Ti Bellows Leak movie Desy Ti formed Bellows closeup: 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

Orbital welder electrode Heiko Hintz can ‘act on behalf’ of TüV 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

Orbital welder made in California 2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)

2013.06.24 TB Saclay/XFEL (M. Ross)