Achieving the Dream Leadership Team Meeting August 20, 2008 WELCOME BACK!
Today’s Agenda 3:30 – 3:40: Welcome back and introduction – S. Harvey 3:40 – 4:00: Student success class persistence – S. Crynes 4:00 – 4:20: ACT Student Satisfaction Survey – J. Perry 4:20 – 4:50: Update on student success data – J. Morgan-Dees
Defining Success Improving developmental education outcomes Improving gateway course completion. Improving overall course completion. Improving persistence and retention. Improving graduation rates.
(Long-term initiatives) How Does AtD Fit In? The Five Ends (Board of Regents) The Way Forward (Long-term initiatives) Annual Plan (Core Indicators) OCCC AtD Initiatives Access Student Preparation Student Success Graduate Success Community Development Achieving the Dream Technology and personalized services. Online and off-campus. Institute for Global Excellence Next generation of leaders. New learning spaces. Capitol Hill Center Childcare for students Theater Campus facilities Preparation #5 Successful developmental course completion #6 Subsequent developmental course completion Success #7 Successful completion rates in all college-level courses #8 Increased persistence and retention Improving developmental math completion rates. Improving gateway course completion rates Improving online course completion rates. Improving availability and quality of advisement services. Improving availability of financial aid.
Implementation Teams Developmental Math: Tamara Carter, Co-chair Pat Stowe, Co-Chair Carlotta Hill Math Department Online: Anita Philipp, Co-Chair Kathy Wullstein, Co-Chair John Inglett Anita Williams Monica Holland Mary Williams Ken Harrelson Sonya Williams Peggy Jordan Gateway: Steve Shore, Co-chair Mary McCoy, Co-Chair Paul Buckelew Kim Jameson Jeff Carlisle Jenean Jones Haifeng Ji Susan VanSchuyver Cindy Williams Financial Aid Harold Case, Co-Chair Stephanie Hays, Co-chair Paula Gower George Maxwell Sergio Gallegos Meghan Morgan Joan Sublett Advisement: Liz Largent, Co-chair Sonya Williams, Co-Chair E.J. Warren Pat Stowe 2 faculty TBD
Stages in Implementation Cycle Early - Study Beginning – Fall 2008 Underway Gateway Online Advisement Dev. Math Fin. Aid
Focus Groups and Site Visits Several individuals at the college have received advanced focus group facilitation training from AtD coach Dr. Kenneth Gonzales. We strongly recommend you use this technique on implementation teams. Contact Joyce Morgan-Dees at x7842 for more information. Once common barriers and/or underlying causes for problems have been determined, we also recommend team members make site visits to other institutions to determine how they have successfully addressed the issues identified by each team.
Meetings Leadership meetings twice a semester: First meeting will be reviewing data Second meeting will be devoted to progress reports from implementation teams. Steering Committee (Project Coordinator, Co-chairs and Executive Sponsors) probably will meet once a semester. Highly recommended implementation teams meet at least monthly, preferably twice a month time permitting.
Other Items Department numbers and preliminary budgets have been assigned to each implementation team. Expenditure requests should be sent to Stu Harvey, x7849 (or my assistant, Jane Hinojosa, x7577) for approval. New I2 Student Success portal will be operational in next few months. Project management toolkit.