Objectives: Upon completing this education program, the participant should be able to: Describe the advantage of planning before your meeting Learn effective ways to run a meeting Learn how to increase team engagement Discover how to energize team members
What brings you to this conference? Knowledge Building? Networking Opportunities? My Boss Made Me Attend?
Interesting Summary? So why do people voluntarily attend meetings? I think there are three main reasons: They have to, in the case of the committee chair and other key committee members; They have something to contribute, as with a committee member in charge of a specific function like advancement, equipment or finance; They are looking for some way to help, even if they don’t come right out and say so.
Why do people hate meetings Why do people hate meetings? People love to say they hate meetings, but what is it specifically about meetings that people loathe? No agenda sent in advance Early morning, during lunch, or after hour meetings Meetings that end without a decision or next steps Brainstorms wherein no one is assigned to take notes Recurring useless meetings People who 'hijack' meetings Having to wait for one individual to show up Meetings booked the same day When meetings are canceled just before they start
Studies suggest that most professionals spend close to 50% of their working time in meetings
Icebreakers for Team and Staff Meetings Whether the group knows each other or it is simply a day when no one wants to be in the scheduled staff meeting, using an icebreaker game is a great way to get everyone relaxed and ready to go. meetings
So Lets Have Some Fun With Part of That 50% RED- Name and Where You Work ORANGE-Name and How Long You Have Been in Central Service PURPLE-Name and Your Favorite Place/Assignment to Work in Central Service YELLOW-Name and Tell Us Your Favorite Food GREEN- Name and Who is Your Favorite TEAM
Being Part of a Team By being part of a team, you have an opportunity to help your organization or department tap into a tremendous reservoir of talent, knowledge, and creativity. You can learn more about your job, the people you work with, the organization you work for, the customers you serve Your chance to learn and practice useful work skills
Meetings are vital for management and communication Properly run meetings save time Increases motivation, productivity, and solves problems Create new ideas and initiatives Achieve buy-in Meetings diffuse conflict in a way that emails and memos cannot Effective because the written word only carries 7% of the true meaning and feeling Better than telephone conferences because only 38% of the meaning and feeling is carried in the way that things are said The other 55% of the meaning and feeling is carried in facial expression and non-verbal signals Statistics from research by Dr. Albert Mehrabian
PLAN (BEFORE THE MEETING) Clarify meeting purpose and outcomes -It helps everyone understand what the team is supposed to do and why. -It helps you team define success. -It can help you establish boundaries for what is and is not included in the team’s work. Identify meeting members Select methods to meet purpose Develop and distribute AGENDAS Set up meeting logistics (materials, time, and place)
DURING THE MEETING (Start, Conduct, Close ) Check in -Reflection -Ice Breaker Review Agenda Set or Review ground rules Clarify Roles: -Leader -Member -Timekeeper -Recorder -Facilitator
DURING THE MEETING (Start, Conduct, Close ) Cover one item at a time Manage discussions ! ( Participation, and Contribution ) Maintain focus Tools: -Brainstorming -Multi-voting -Fishbone
DURING THE MEETING (Start, Conduct, Close ) Summarize decisions Review Action items Solicit agenda items for next meeting Review time and place for next meeting Evaluate the meeting Thank participants
AFTER THE MEETING Follow up Distribute or post meeting notes promptly File agendas and other documents DO ASSIGNMENTS !
“Creating an effective agenda is one of the most important elements for a productive meeting.”
THE AGENDA 1. topics for discussion Communicates important information such as: 1. topics for discussion 2. presenter or discussion leader for each topic 3. time allotment for each topic Provides an outline for the meeting (how long to spend on which topics) Can be used as a checklist to ensure that all information is covered Lets participants know what will be discussed if it's distributed before the meeting. This gives them an opportunity to come to the meeting prepared for the upcoming discussions or decisions. Provides a focus for the meeting (the objective of the meeting must be clearly stated in the agenda)
How to Create an Effective Agenda Send an e-mail stating there will be a meeting, the goal of the meeting as well as the administrative details such as when and where it will be. Ask participants requesting an agenda item to contact you no less than two days before the meeting with their request and the amount of time they will need to present it. Once all of the agenda requests have been submitted to you, summarize them in a table format with the headings Agenda Item, Presenter and Time. Send the agenda to all the meeting participants the day before the meeting with a reminder of the meeting goals, location, time and duration. The most important part of creating an effective agenda is to follow it during the meeting!
When is the Best Time to Have a Meeting?
How long should a meeting be?
When scheduling a meeting most people do not give too much thought to how long the meeting should take. When you create a meeting in Google Calendar or Outlook the default is one hour and many people just leave it at that.
Things to Consider ! Meeting cost Multiply the average wage of each attendee x the amount of time It is obvious that keeping meetings short will save your company money
Think About This Example! Senior management $250/hr. CEO $200/hr. COO $600/hr. 3 Senior VPs $1050 per hour
Focus and attention Time of meeting % of people paying attention 0-15 minutes 91% 15-30 minutes 84% 30-45 minutes 73% 45+ minutes 64%
The Seven Sins of Deadly Meetings Sin #1: People don't take meetings seriously. They arrive late, leave early, and spend most of their time doodling. Sin #2: Meetings are too long. They should accomplish twice as much in half the time. Sin #3: People wander off the topic. Participants spend more time digressing than discussing. Sin #4: Nothing happens once the meeting ends. People don't convert decisions into action. Sin #5: People don't tell the truth. There's plenty of conversation, but not much candor. Sin #6: Meetings are always missing important information, so they postpone Sin #7: Meetings never get better. People make the same mistakes.
3 Most Common Problems Within a Team 1. Handling Conflict and Disagreement -Do not try to end the feud; try to find away to let the team move forward -Listen carefully to each person’s point of view -Suggest discussion, round robins, and silent thinking
3 Most Common Problems Within a Team (cont.) 2. Lack of Focus -Use agenda to keep track of what should and should not be covered - When the team has been off track for some time, suggest moving back to the task - Ask if someone can summarize the discussion up to this point
3 Most Common Problems Within a Team (cont.) 3. Uneven Participation - Suggest going around the group in turn so everyone can get a chance to offer a view point -Ask quieter member for their view points -Ask that everyone take a few minutes of silent time so that people who find it hard to speak up can have the time to organize their thoughts
This Couple Has Beat All Odds With the 3 Most Common Problems… Attitude is Everything <>
References Brassard, Michael (1995). The Team Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Team Members. Koloroutis, Mary. 2004. Relationship-Based Care. A Model for Transforming Practice.