Annual report 2016 Family Preservation Family Reunification Treatment Foster Care Adult Case Management Children’s Case Management Mental Health Clinic Alternative Response Program Annual report 2016
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community “Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” — Anthony J. D’Angelo Our mission is to provide quality, community-based services that are timely and effective in promoting the health, well- being, and independence of individuals and families.
Successes in FY16 Community Care became a Behavioral Health Home allowing us to successfully complete our goal of integrating services with primary physical health services. Responded to the request by DHHS to meet the need they identified for contracted Licensed Social Workers to work in the Child Protective Intake Unit. This program (the Intake Social Worker Program – ISW Program) was developed in collaboration with DHHS and opened for operation in December, 2015.
Community Care was voted #2 for Best Places to Work in Maine MEDIUM EMPLOYER CATEGORY (50-249 U.S. EMPLOYEES) Rank Organization 1 Patriot Subaru 2 Community Care
Revenue Foster Care 43.5% 3,054,689.38 Fee-For_Service 51.6% 3,621,550.12 Donations/Grants 4.7% 329,551.10 Interest / Other 0.2% 12,277.68 100.0% 7,018,068.28
Expenses Payroll & Related 57.1% 3,902,401.07 Foster Parent Expenses 16.4% 1,122,328.72 Operating Expenses 11.3% 774,578.27 Facilities Expenses 2.8% 188,598.31 Depreciation & Interest Expenses 0.3% 18,750.22 General & Administrative Expenses 12.1% 825,911.21 Total 100.0% 6,832,567.80
Alternative Response Program (ARP) “We regard our ARP Social Worker incredibly high in this household. Can’t say enough wonderful things about him. He was instrumental in getting our son needed services.” ~Parent receiving ARP Services~ The ARP contract was initially won by Community Care through the RFP bidding process in FY14 in 3 of the 8 DHHS Districts: Piscataquis/Penobscot, Kennebec/Somerset and York counties. In FY16 Community Care was approached by DHHS and asked to take over the contract in D8 (Aroostook county) resulting in Community Care holding 4 of the 8 statewide contacts. Community Care was pleased to serve 1,512 families in ARP in FY16. ARP was created by DHHS in order to partner with local DHHS districts to investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect. The reports that are sent to ARP are those reports that DHHS has determined to be low to moderate risk. Our ARP Social Workers contact the family to explain the nature of the report, conduct a child safety assessment, partner with parents/care providers to assist them in identifying supports they feel would be helpful, make referrals for services, and monitor progress towards goals that are identified to ensure child safety.
Adult Case Management The Adult Services Program serves adults who are living independently in the community and need support and assistance to remain out of hospitals or other supportive living situations, such as group care. Some of our adult consumers may need a less intense level of case management support, requiring case management services to secure resources necessary to meet their basic needs, and acquiring skills to manage the demands of independent living. “There are so many ways case management has been helpful. It’s nice to know I always have someone on my side and that there is someone you can call who always has your back.” ~Adult Case Management Consumer~ Community Care’s Adult Case Management Program became a Behavioral Health Home in FY16, successfully integrating our services with the physical health care system. The Adult Care Management Program was pleased to serve 514 adults in fiscal year 2016.
Children’s case management (CCM) The CCM program provides case management to children with serious mental health needs. CCM also supports the care givers to assist them in obtaining the resources necessary to meet the mental health needs of their children. Case management is designed to be a short term service that coordinates services to address children’s mental health needs, educates parents about resources available to them within their communities, and assists caregivers in navigating the mental health system. The ultimate goal is to help caregivers advocate autonomously for their child’s needs. “Case Managers at Community Care are so helpful and have a lot of resources, more than the typical person. They are reliable, are always there for you when you call or get right back to you, and help you with so much. You are not alone…. they are there for you.” ~ Parent of Children’s Case Management Service ~ The CCM Program was pleased to serve 100 children in fiscal year 2016.
Family preservation Family Preservation Family preservation provides in-home clinical treatment and behavioral support to children diagnosed with mental health needs. CFSS clinicians work in partnership with Behavioral Health Professionals (BHP’s) to assist families in effectively responding to the mental health needs of their child and providing clinical intervention to promote family dynamics that support their child’s treatment. These treatment goals are a achieved through individual and family therapy, evidenced based parenting education, role modeling, and direct support to care givers and children. “I want other parents to know it is ok to seek help for their child. Parents that have children who have a mental illness have it 5 times as hard. Having support helps you and your child succeed every day. This is my first experience receiving HCT and it has been a blessing.” ~Parent receiving Community Care’s Community Family Support Services~ The CFSS Program was pleased to serve 330 children in fiscal year 2016.
Treatment Foster Care (TFC) The TFC program serves children and adolescents in the specially licensed therapeutic foster homes with whom the agency contracts, trains and supports. TFC provides case management and rehabilitative services and supports, crisis support, clinical guidance, training and support to foster parents. “The longest foster home was my last one and I was there for 7 years [my Community Care foster home]. They still treat me like I am their own daughter. They didn’t adopt me but they consider me to be part of their family. My own daughter calls them Nana and Papa. They are my family. “ ~Former Foster Care Youth~ The TFC Program was pleased to serve 94 foster children in fiscal year 2016.
Mental health clinic The Mental Health Clinic provides outpatient therapy for children, families and adults, the clinic also serves a small caseload of psychiatric medication management services. The clinic is licensed and contracted to provide outpatient substance abuse therapy. “Coming to the clinic not only helps the youth in our home it also helps with us and our other children.” ~Former Foster Care Youth~ The Mental Health Clinic was pleased to serve 167 individuals in fiscal year 2016.