Community Based Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Initiative Market Engagement Event 13th November 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Community Based Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Initiative Market Engagement Event 13th November 2015

Market Engagement Event Objectives To meet interested providers in the procurement process To provide an overview of Lewisham borough To provide key objectives of the service To provide an overview of the procurement timetable Opportunities for questions Market Engagement Event Objectives

Overview of Lewisham Population: 286,000 one in four residents aged under 19 years One in seven residents aged 60 years and over Ethnic diversity: 15th most ethnically diverse LA in England Over 170 languages spoken 2 out of every 5 resident from black and minority ethnic background Wards in Lewisham Overview of Lewisham

Health inequalities 48th most deprived Local Authority in England. Of its 169 Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs), 8 are in the 10% most deprived in the country and 69 are in the 20% most deprived in the country. The highest deprivation is particularly found in the North and in the South and along the A2 corridor. Health inequalities

Neighbourhood groups in Lewisham Four Neighbourhood groups Population Neighbourhood (1) North Lewisham  60967 Neighbourhood (2) Central Lewisham  111679 Neighbourhood (3) South East Lewisham  60232 Neighbourhood (4) South West Lewisham  65801 Neighbourhood groups in Lewisham

Obesity & Healthy Eating Lewisham England Obese adults Health profile 2014 23.6% 23.0% Excess weight in adults Active people survey 2012 -14 60.7% 64.6% Childhood obesity Reception NCMP 2013/14 10.8% 9.5% Childhood obesity Year 6 24.3% 19.1% Proportion of the population meeting the recommended ‘5-a-day’ 48.1% 53.5% Average number of portions of vegetables consumed daily 2.03 2.27 of fruit consumed daily 2.41 2.58 Obesity & Healthy Eating

Physical Activity & Inactivity Lewisham London England 2013 2014 % Physically Active Adults 58.1 57.1 56.2 57.8 56.0 57.0 % Physically Inactive Adults 25.1 27.5 27.0 28.3 27.7 *Data source: Active People Survey (Sport England) Physical Activity & Inactivity

Key objectives of the service (1) Strong links between all elements of the service Improve access and maximise engagement to services Address inequalities Robust contract monitoring with evidence of outcomes Increase the proportion of adults that are active Increase the proportion of adults that meet the recommended ‘5-a-day’ Reduce the prevalence of obesity Key objectives of the service (1)

Key objectives of the service (2) Deliver an alternative model to a previously localised approach so that the healthy eating/nutrition and physical activity interventions are more widely available in the borough. Ensure that the borough-wide approach aligns with and contributes to plans at Neighbourhood level including: North Lewisham Health Improvement Programme in Neighbourhood 1; Active Lifestyles for All in Neighbourhood 3 and Bellingham Well London Programme in Neighbourhood 4 Ensure that the initiative is integral to the council's local food and nutrition policy to tackle food poverty and helps improve the skills and resilience of local residents around food and healthy eating. Use a “Train the Trainer” approach to enable local people to lead the planning and delivery of cook and eat sessions in their setting. Key objectives of the service (2)

Key service components Appointment of a community development nutritionist, a community development physical activity specialist and a community development food worker. Delivery of a borough wide community cookery programme to enable people to learn the skills of cooking healthily on a budget. Delivery of active lifestyles programmes aimed at inactive/sedentary adults. Promotion of existing nutrition initiatives such as the local vitamin D scheme and the Healthier Catering Commitments scheme with local food businesses. Supporting community development approach including community groups funded through participatory budgeting, or other grants, to enable the delivery of local healthy eating and physical activity initiatives. Key service components

We are seeking to commission a service that is integrated internally and with other services in the borough We welcome partnership bids, but these must have a lead provider and single point of contact for procurement and contract management We are seeking to commission a service that improves health outcomes for Lewisham residents and reduces health inequalities between communities Key message summary

Procurement process and timescales Event Date Advert 22.10.15 Market warming event 13.11.15 Invitation to Tender (ITT) opportunity publications Week commencing 04.01.16 Deadline for return of ITT’s Week commencing : 08.02.16 Evaluations 15.02.16 to 19.02.16 Interviews Week commencing 22.02.16 Internal governance approvals Week commencing 04.03.16 Potential contract award date Week commencing: 18.03.16 Potential start of new service 01.04.16 Please note: The above are indicative timings only Procurement process and timescales

Any questions?