QMC Residents’ Forum meeting Peter Homa, NUH Chief Executive 13 September 2017
Performance – Emergency access & money Winter plan Tomorrow’s NUH Tram bridge Parking enforcement Leadership Changes BBC 2’s ‘Hospital’ documentary Questions & Answers
System performance Standard: 95% through ED in <4hrs 16/17: 76.6% 2017/18 Q1: 81.69% July 2017: 83.8% August 2017: 85.5%
External viewpoint CQC urgent & emergency care inspection (2016) – ‘requires improvement’ ‘Good’ for Caring Described improvements were required notably: Streaming at front door Named nurses for patients in middle of Blue Area Tackling overcrowding in ED Emergency Care Improvement Programme (ECIP)
System winter plan Discharge to Assess (including additional community capacity) Flu campaign & infection prevention Focus on staff health and wellbeing 30 additional respiratory beds Reducing elective programme during Q3 and Q4
Ongoing challenges System Demand vs Capacity Staffing (ED) - particularly medical staff Environmental constraints (overcrowding) Consistency of internal processes Delays stepping down medically fit patients
Tomorrow’s NUH: the future Emergency Department at QMC that was designed for 350 patients daily, now sees 550 daily (sometimes 600+) Need an ED & urgent care facilities that are the right size and design to meet demand now and that we anticipate in the future We are developing a series of business cases, and will prioritise the case for a new urgent and emergency care centre
Money Year 1of 3-year path to financial recovery £10.7m forecast year-end deficit £41m savings (4.5%) Response: Recovery plan & Recovery Director Tighter controls Trust-wide priorities include: Paperless Hospital, Outpatient Review and Administrative Redesign Sustainability and Transformation Partnership
Tram bridge Opened 28 July (on QMC’s 40th birthday) Providing direct access from the tram platform into QMC (B Floor) and the Treatment Centre Dedicated volunteer desk Positive passenger feedback
Parking enforcement Introduced Penalty Charge Notices on 1 August to tackle unsafe & inconsiderate parking Circa 1,000 PCNs issued in 1st month; ½ of which were appealed Mindful that some parking has spilled into streets in & around our hospitals as a consequence We are exploring whether we can increase car parking capacity at QMC and City
Leadership Changes Medical Director – Dr Keith Girling Chair – Eric Morton Chief Executive – Tracy Taylor (from 30 Oct)
BBC 2’s ‘Hospital’ documentary Series 3 is coming to Nottingham Filming January & February 2018 6 episodes broadcast Spring 2018