Mia Fagerholm & Linda Kleemola VOAS Student Housing Foundation in Vaasa Mia Fagerholm & Linda Kleemola
VOAS Founded by city of Vaasa and student organizations in 1972 3000 apartments or rooms to let 400 shared rooms with furniture's Staff 9 persons + 2 summer trainees
Apartment location City center Palosaari Suvilahti Gerby Huutoniemi- Teeriniemi Melaniemi
Living at VOAS Agreement Exchange students: In a fixed contract the lease cannot be cancelled Degree students: agreement must be cancelled one calendar month before departure VOAS has an Insurance for the houses, but you should insure your own belongings.
Apartment card We do not change any lamps or fuses Central heating If something has to be repaired in the apartment make the fault report on VOAS website
Living at VOAS Laundry tokens 10 pieces = 17€ Sauna You can reserve one hour per week Your key is on your own responsibility Changing locks 200€ You can call 24 hour care taker service if you leave the key inside At office hours you can borrow a spare key if you have your ID with you
Living at VOAS 10M Internet If problems occur call ELISA internet provider Phone number: 01019 0240 Tell them your address They can see the problem VOAS can’t help you with internet problems!
Living at VOAS Rules Ex. Smoking is prohibited in the apartments and balconies Silence 10pm-7am Only tenants who rents the room is allowed to stay in the apartment Clean the common space Pay rent on time
Living at VOAS Tenant has the responsibility of the fire alarm (common space) In the housing guide you can find more information about living at VOAS Important numbers Emergency number; 112 Service company VOAS office
Moving out Return the key Clean your room and the common space Return We return the deposit when the room has been checked and everything is OK!
Hope you have a pleasant stay in Finland's sunniest city, Vaasa! THANK YOU! Hope you have a pleasant stay in Finland's sunniest city, Vaasa!