European Regulatory Position (in CEPT) Interactive Workshop Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2X) Connectivity, 14-16 November 2016, San Jose, USA Thomas Weber, ECO, Spectrum Management
Content/ Aspects to be discussed Organisation in CEPT Dealing with TTT (Transport & Traffic Telematics) applications incl. sensors Validity of existing spectrum compatibility studies performed Future ITS applications (e.g. truck platooning and autonomous driving) as well as Urban rail (metro) applications 3GPP activities (TD-LTE as L2X/LTE-V) 5 GHz mandate: RLAN frequencies in Europe and WRC New 5G mandate under preparation
On-going Activities in Europe for TTT since 2015 A new informative Annex of ERC Recommendation 70-03 approved for public consultation on 21 October 2016. It includes: This new annex makes it clear that compatibility studies are needed for new applicants for the band. Follows the outcome of WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.18 (primary radiolocation service allocation throughout 76-81 GHz) and gives SRR in 77-81 GHz some protection. Automotive radar is defined as a moving radar device, at ground or sea level, and supporting functions of the vehicle. Be aware that: 76-77 GHz includes infrastructure and vehicular radars in the current regulation; it’s also used at railway level crossings or airplanes during taxiing as well as rotorcraft obstacle detection radars (latter one: new ECC Decision (16)01). On-going compatibility studies in CEPT between automotive and fixed infrastructure radars in Draft ECC Report 262. It proposes additional requirements to ensure continued co-existence between vehicular ground radars and fixed infrastructure radars at the roadside scenario, that are inherent in the types of fixed installation radar already deployed in Europe.
On-going Activities in Europe for TTT since 2015 (II) An explanatory paper on RLAN usage in vehicles (cars, busses, trains, planes) was approved in October 2016.
On-going Activities in Europe for TTT since 2015 (III) A new work is ongoing in CEPT with regard to the coexistence scenario within a car: New work on an analysis about eTachograph, Weight and Dimension and Road Tolling Enforcement applications. The eTachograph, Weight and Dimension applications are new applications and different from road tolling. In order to be able to deploy systems for eTachograph, Weight and Dimension at the target deployment date 02/2019 in Europe, an urgent regulatory activity with the goal of identifying appropriate spectrum utilisation conditions for these applications is required. ETSI is preparing a new ETSI system reference document for this purpose.
On-going Activities in Europe for TTT since 2015 (IV) (side note; to be complete; New Work is ongoing in CEPT with regard to: ETSI TR 103 416 Short Range Devices (SRD) using Ultra Wide Band (UWB); System Reference Document (SRdoc); Technical characteristics and spectrum requirements for UWB based vehicular access systems for operation in the 3,4 GHz to 4,8 GHz and 6 GHz to 8,5 GHz frequency ranges
On-going activities in Europe for ITS (Intelligent Transportation systems) Revision of ECC Decision (08)01 and ECC Recommendation (08)01 – Target: relaxed unwanted emission limits in connection with mitigation techniques was approved in 2015 ITS not restricted to road vehicles and ECC Decision is technology neutral to the extent possible Regulators consider other transportation applications should share the ITS frequencies such as Urban Rail Systems (based on an analysis performed in CEPT and in ETSI) New Work Item approved for further revision of ECC Decision (08)01 (10/2016) under scope of: Inclusion of Urban Rail systems (with focus on 5905-5925 MHz) A concept of prioritisation laid down in ETSI standards Only systems for which existing compatibility studies are available (i.e. must be in line with IEEE 802.11p/ ETSI G5 -> Harmonised European Standard EN 302 571) Frequency range Usage Regulation 5 905 MHz to 5 925 MHz Future ITS applications ECC Decision (08)01 5 875 MHz to 5 905 MHz ITS safety (not limited to road safety!) ECC Decision (08)01 Commission Decision 5 855 MHz to 5 875 MHz ITS non-safety applications ECC Recommendation(08)01
On-going activities in Europe for ITS (Intelligent Transportation systems) (II) CEPT work is contribution driven: future ITS applications-> driverless vehicles / autonomous systems (e.g. truck platooning) will only be discussed when car industry contributes. Important condition: ongoing 5 GHz mandate from the European Commission (EC) for WAS/RLAN (up to 5925 MHz). Urban Rail and new ITS applications must be ‘under the roof of ITS’, i.e. in line with existing compatibility studies and mitigations for WAS/RLAN (work in ETSI BRAN) for compatibility with ITS. Background: The draft CEPT Report 64 - Report B from CEPT to the European Commission in response to the Mandate ‘To study and identify harmonised compatibility and sharing conditions for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks in the bands 5350-5470 MHz and 5725-5925 MHz ('WAS/RLAN extension bands') for the provision of wireless broadband services’ was adopted by WGFM for submission to ECC for final approval for publication and sending it to the EC in 10/2016.
5G mandate under preparation Mandate from the European Commission to CEPT under preparation Scope is actually: TO DEVELOP HARMONISED TECHNICAL CONDITIONS IN THE UNION FOR NEXT-GENERATION (5G) TERRESTRIAL WIRELESS SYSTEMS IN EU-HARMONISED FREQUENCY BANDS AND IN FREQUENCY BANDS ABOVE 24 GHZ Mentioning that, the 3.4-3.8 GHz band is also of interest to the automotive industry in terms of V2X connectivity and should be investigated as a complementary option to the EU-harmonised spectrum for safety-related ITS applications in the 5.875-5.905 GHz band in the context of a hybrid solution. CEPT is requested to take into account relevant developments at ITU level (such as with regard to the WRC-19) Delivery Date: Mid 2020 Reference Subject Scope Remarks Allocated Start End Triggered by ECO support (Y/N) PT1_SWG_C_20 Suitability of technical conditions of ECC DEC (11) 06 to 5G To assess the suitability of the harmonised technical conditions of ECC DEC (11)06, applying to MFCN in the band 3.4-3.8 GHz, to 5G This study should evaluate the suitability of harmonised technical conditions of ECC DEC(11)06 to 5G and to propose, if needed, follow up action (s) SWG C June 2016 Nov 17 ECC SG May 16 + ECC#42 June 16
How does it map to ongoing 3GPP activities? At its 73rd Meeting ECC/WG SE (April 2016) noted the information about the on-going work on LTE-based solution for ITS services up to 6 GHz. ECC/ WG SE informed 3GPP RAN that all compatibility studies for ITS in the 5 GHz range were based on IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11p and the corresponding ETSI profile standard EN 302 663 and the harmonized standard ETSI EN 302 571, respectively. WG SE will also consider other technologies for cooperative ITS in future studies, when standards are available.
Progress on Cellular V2X standard (I) As part of the expansion of the LTE platform to new services, and to keep track with the increasing needs of the automotive industry, 3GPP is developing functionality to provide enhancements specifically for vehicular communications - both in terms of direct communication (between vehicles, vehicle to pedestrian and vehicle to infrastructure) and for cellular communications with networks. The initial Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) standard is planned for inclusion in the Release 14. It focuses on Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications, with further enhancements to support additional V2X operational scenarios to follow, in Release 14, targeting completion during March 2017. V2V communications are based on direct-device-to-device communications (D2D) defined as part of ProSe services in Release 12 and Release 13 of the specification. As part of ProSe services, a new D2D interface (known as sidelink at the physical layer) was introduced and now as part of the V2V work item it has been enhanced for vehicular use cases, specifically addressing high speed (up to 250Kph) and high density (thousands of nodes).
Progress on Cellular V2X standard (II) Scalable for different bandwidths including 10 MHz bandwidth. Configurations use a dedicated carrier for V2V communications, meaning the target band is only used for PC5 based V2V communications. GNSS is used for time synchronisation. Configuration 1: scheduling and interference management of V2V traffic is supported based on distributed algorithms implemented between the vehicles. The distributed algorithm is based on sensing with semi-persistent transmission. Additionally, a new mechanism where resource allocation is dependent on geographical information is introduced. Such a mechanism counters near far effect arising due to in-band emissions. Configuration 2: scheduling and interference management of V2V traffic is assisted via control signaling. T he eNodeB will assign the resources being used for V2V signaling in a dynamic manner. For further reading: RP-161919,