The Global Soil Information System Rainer Baritz FAO, GSP secretariat
Global Soil Partnership Healthy soils are the foundation of the food system Good soil status: sufficient nutrients, water, storage and filter Healthy soils: fertility, productivity, resilience to climate change Changes in yellow
Regional Soil Partnerships (9) Global Soil Partnership GSP secretariat (FAO HQ, Rome) Regional Soil Partnerships (9) FAO regional and national offices 134 governmental focal points 225 registered partners REGIONAL SOIL PARTNERSHIP Fundamental for the implementation of activities via the Implementation Plans.
GSP Pillars of Action Pillar 1 Promote sustainable management of soil resources Plans of Action Pillar 2 investment, technical cooperation, policy, education, awareness Implementation plans Pillar 3 Soil research and development Pillar 4 Enhance the quantity and quality of soil data and information Pillar 5 Harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators
Global Soil Information System Pillar 4 Enhance the quantity and quality of soil data and information Network of Soil Information System Institutions (INSII) Soil profiles Updated Harmo-nized World Soil Database Network Global Soil Information System Pillar 4 Working Group Data Products Global Soil (Polygon) map Spatial Data Infrastructure Global Spatial SDI Centre (GSSDIC) High resolution soil property grids FAO SoilSTAT Soil monitoring
Pillar 5 Harmonization
Principles of GSIS integration between global, national and other systems Distributed system (e.g. GEOSS and OneGeology) Comprehensive but with harmonized minimum data sets Property rights management Changes in yellow
SDI Elements see: Pillar 4 Plan of Action Exchange Schema (SoilML) Web data services (WMS, WFS, WCS) Portal with view services Discovery services: meta data/catalogue services Soil thesaurus Data search engine Soil sample archive Centralized components e.g. soil profile DB Registry with code lists Soil method catalogue IPR management Other: Changes in yellow
Principles for harmonization 1. Principles for Cooperation commonality inclusiveness efficiency multilinguality 2. Principles for harmonization operations interoperability extensibility scalability Changes in yellow
Data storage Changes in yellow
Slovakia 1:10 000 Current data Changes in yellow Austria 1:20 000
Interoperable and harmonized data Changes in yellow
European infrastructure for environmental spatial data sets: INSPIRE Generic conceptual model: elements necessary for interoperability and data harmonisation Methodology for the development of data specifications Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards Common data models (generic model examples) Standards-based: OGC and ISO19xxx standards related to geographical information Changes in yellow
INSPIRE data specifications soil (v D2.8.III.3) Additional standard used: ISO DIS 28258 (Soil Quality) Scope: Soil inventories: soil properties at specific point in time Soil mapping: spatial presentation of soil properties Content Terms/definitions, symbols/abbreviations, vocabulary, identifier management, informative annexes (uses cases, code lists) Soil application schema: soil model with feature catalogues (spatial object types) (in UML, basis for generation of XML Schema Definition files (.xsd) Changes in yellow
Soil Application Schema Feature catalogues with spatial object types SoilProfile (including Observed and Derived Soil Profiles) ProfileElement (including SoilLayer and SoilHorizon) SoilBody SoilDerivedObject SoilThemeCoverage and SoilThemeDescriptiveCoverage SoilSite Theme-specific definitions e.g. meta data, portrayal Changes in yellow
INSPIRE soil conceptual schema Changes in yellow
INSPIRE and ISO logical schemata INSPIRE DS Sq.xsd SoilCore.xsd (v2.0.2 – v2.9 – v3.0) SoilThemeCoverage.xsd (v2.9 – v3.0) Changes in yellow
Next steps regarding standards Check differences between existing standards: check validity of SoilML (ISO 28258) as common denominator, provide recommendations Develop test bed for demonstrating the operational data exchange Develop and offer a simplified data exchange platform for soil data sets Incentive to adapt services (e.g. soil profile up-/download, free download load of a simple (empty) data base (e.g. SoDa)) Changes in yellow
Support to data owners : Elaborate, distributed system, data upload, tools and services Support to data owners : Information: search system Metadata upload and cataloguing Data management: transformation services (e.g. FAO soil profile description, classification transformaiton tools), soil profile up-/download (export XML, etc.) Changes in yellow Domain-specific vocabulary development and service
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