Note Making
NOTE-MAKING One of the skills involved in reading is making notes of the important ideas, concepts and points in the reading text. It helps us to better understand the content of the reading material.
Guidelines to Follow When Making Notes NOTE-MAKING Guidelines to Follow When Making Notes Check the pattern of the organization of the reading text and use signal words as a cue. 2. Use note-taking methods such as underlining, highlighting, circling or boxing to identify main points. 3. Transform main points from a linear text to a non-linear text using diagram, outline, table or flowchart presentations.
Pattern of the organization of the reading text Writers often use certain organizational patterns when giving/explaining information. Among the common patterns are: Listing Classification Sequencing Comparison-Contrast Cause-Effect
Pattern of the organization of the reading text Listing: making a list of things that are related to subject matter Classification: placing things in categories according to specific, or similar characteristics, or functions Sequencing: putting process, or events in order of occurrence Comparison-Contrast: making comparison by examining how things are similar, or showing contrast by looking at the differences between them Cause-Effect: showing how things (effects) happen or come into being because of other things that cause them to happen (causes)
Pattern of the organization of the reading text Example of a paragraph: Today more manufacturers are using PET(Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles than the usual glass bottles. Both PET bottles and the ordinary glass bottles are used for filling carbonated soft drink and mineral water. Nevertheless, due to their extreme clarity (like glass), PET bottles are often preferred more. In addition, PET bottles are very much lighter than glass bottles. Unlike glass bottles, PET bottles will not break when dropped. What is the pattern of organization of the paragraph? Comparison and contrast
Signal words Help you to understand the flow of ideas, concepts or events. They provide clues to find important ideas and the type of organizational text pattern that is being used. Signal words help to prepare you for the forthcoming idea. List of some of the common signal words.
Pattern of the organization of the reading text Example of a paragraph: Today more manufacturers are using PET(Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles than the usual glass bottles. Both PET bottles and the ordinary glass bottles are used for filling carbonated soft drink and mineral water. Nevertheless, due to their extreme clarity (like glass), PET bottles are often preferred more. In addition, PET bottles are very much lighter than glass bottles. Unlike glass bottles, PET bottles will not break when dropped. What are the signal words that you can find in the paragraph? than, both, nevertheless, more, unlike.
Use note-taking methods Once you have identified the organizational structure of the reading text, you should take note of the main points by underlining, highlighting, circling or boxing. Concentrate only on the main points and key words. Exclude all unimportant details or unnecessary words such as prepositions (at, in, near), articles (a, an, the), etc.
Pattern of the organization of the reading text Example of a paragraph: Today more manufacturers are using PET(Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles than the usual glass bottles. Both PET bottles and the ordinary glass bottles are used for filling carbonated soft drink and mineral water. Nevertheless, due to their extreme clarity (like glass), PET bottles are often preferred more. In addition, PET bottles are very much lighter than glass bottles. Unlike glass bottles, PET bottles will not break when dropped.
Transform main points to non-linear text A written text is called a linear text, meanwhile a non-linear texts are table, chart, diagram, flowchart, etc. A non-linear text helps you to sort your main points according to their organizational structure.
Transform main points to non-linear text PET BOTTLES GLASS BOTTLES SIMILARITIES used for filling carbonated soft drink and mineral water DIFFERENCES extreme clarity preferred more lighter will not break when dropped less clarity less preferred heavier Easily broken