Cen TC350 Overview
CEN TC350 SCOPE Public website: www.afnor.org/centc350 CEN/TC350 is responsible for the development of horizontal standardized methods for the assessment of the sustainability aspects of new and existing construction works (buildings and civil engineering works), including horizontal core rules for the development of environmental product declaration of construction products (EPD). CEN/TC350 is also entrusted with an advisory function to CEN TCs to ensure the effective implementation of horizontal core rules regarding the development a specific product category rules based on en 15804. Public website: www.afnor.org/centc350 AFNOR P01E GT PCB - Cadre de validité 16 février 2018
Overwiew of published standards The standards are generally applicable (horizontal) and relevant for the sustainability assessment of construction works over their life cycle to support decision making in the life cycle of new and existing works. the standards describe coherent methodologies for the assessment of sustainability aspects of construction products and construction works in terms of environmental, social and economic performance. The first phase within the scope of the mandate M/350 The TC 350 developed six standards under the mandated work. At the highest level is a standard that describes the means for the integration of all three above mentioned performance aspects of building. Other standards described : the means for the environmental assessment of buildings, the requirements for the use of Environmental Product Declarations, the rules governing their declaration and detail of their evaluation for products, the communication of data and the generic data necessary for compilation of environmental declarations. The second phase dealing in detail with the other defined aspects of Sustainable Performance (economic and social) , i.e. health & comfort performance and life cycle cost performance of buildings. 16 février 2018
New focus on Civil Engineering Standards NOVEMBRE 2011 CEN TC350 decided to develop dedicated Civil Engineering standards (Framework, calculation methods) covering econimic, social and environmental aspectS. Establishment of WG 6 Civil Engineering From Jannuary 2012 – November 2014 Pleliminary works to analyse the published Standards and the ongoing works, in order to make recommendations for the development of standards regarding the assessment of sustainable performance of civil engineering works November 2014 Decision taken to develop EN 15643-5 Framework for the assessment of sustainability performance of Civil Engineering Works 16 février 2018
Civil Engineering standards (proposal) Since November2011, CEN TC350 decided to develop dedicated Civil Engineering standards (Framework, calculation methods) covering econimic, social and environmental aspect. 16 février 2018
Current work programme 00350020 Sustainability of construction works - Guidance for the implementation of EN 15804 Deliverable: Technical Report Status: Active work item Deadline for publication: September 2016 0350023 Additional Indicators for the declaration of environmental performance of construction products and for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings. Deadline for publication: August 2016 00350022 - prEN 15643-5 Sustainability of construction works – Sustainability assessment of buildings and civil engineering works - part 5: framework on specific principles and requirement for civil engineering works Deliverable: European Sandard Deadline for publication: January 2018 00350027 Assessement of social performance of buildings in the before-use stage and end of life stages of life cycle Status: preliminary stage Deadline for publication: - 16 février 2018