September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 802.11aa – Robust Audio Video Transport Streaming San Francisco, CA Opening Report Date: 2011-07-18 Authors: Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Abstract This submission summarizes TGaa goals and agenda for the IEEE 802.11 San Francisco, CA meeting (July 2011) Slide 2 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 2 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Snapshot Goals: Resolve 4th recirculation (LB179) comments and approve corresponding resolutions Resolve comments from IEEE-SA MEC and approve corresponding comment resolutions Start recirculation letter ballot on Draft 6.0 Joint Meeting with 802.1AVB Submit deliverables for “conditional approval to go to sponsor ballot” to the EC and get EC Approval Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
Opening Report July 2011 November 2007 September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Opening Report Slide 4 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 4 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Attendance Recording - 802.11 September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Attendance Recording - 802.11 Sign-in at “newton” is a local server, not reachable via a VPN “newton” is active only during 802.11 sessions First “sign in” to provide contact information Only name and affiliation may be posted publicly, as per IEEE rules No other personal information will be publicly available Second, log attendance Sign In Slide 5 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 5 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
As a Courtesy To Others … September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 As a Courtesy To Others … PLEASE switch your Mobile Phones OFF, or to VIBRATE Alert, remember to MUTE your PC also please ! "Our thanks to all those people who now use Headsets !” The use of Audio and / or Video recording of any 802.11 meeting is Specifically Prohibited as per the 802.11 WG Policies and Procedures. This is mandated by the IEEE-SASB in the OpManual - Still photography is only permitted by a public request and permission of the meeting membership via the WG Chair, and is not for commercial purposes, also mandated by IEEE-SASB in the OpManual - Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 802.11aa – July 2011 Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder: **IEEE Patent Policy ***Affiliation FAQ - Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE 802.11 Policies and Procedures - IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures - ** Read slide deck *** Note especially items #7 & #11 Slide 7 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 7 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Technical Presentations September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Technical Presentations Document number Title Author(s) 1 11/920 LB179 GCR Comment Resolutions Alex Ashley 2 11/923 LB179 OBSS Comment Resolutions 3 11/903 LB179/MEC Editorial Comment Resolutions 4 11/939 Resolution to CID #4112 Ganesh Venkatesan 5 11/941 LB179 SCS Comment Resolutions 6 11/1005 Sponsor Ballot Request Slide 8 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
TGaa Agenda July 2011 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 TGaa Agenda Monday PM1 (Pacific G) Administrivia Agenda for the week (plan and review) Overview of Comment Spreadsheet Review “Conditional Approval” package contents Motions to approve non-contentious comment resolutions (MEC comments, Editorial Comments) Comment Resolution Thursday AM1 (Joint Meeting with 802.1AVB) – Seacliff AB Administrivia Joint Meeting topics/Status Update Thursday AM2 (Pacific G) Administrivia Comment Resolution Motions (if needed) Tuesday PM1 (Board Room C) Administrivia Comment Resolution (Solomon Trainin) Review “Conditional Approval” package Motions (if needed) Comment Resolution Thursday PM1 (Pacific G) Administrivia Chair election Comment Resolution wrap up and motions Plan for Sep 2011 meeting Teleconference Schedule Motions Review Closing Report Adjourn Tuesday PM2 (Board Room C) Administrivia TGaa timeline Comment Resolution Motions (if needed) Wednesday PM1 (Pacific D) See Next Slide Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd
Wed PM1 Agenda July 2011 Wednesday PM1 (Pacific D) Administrivia Update on Report to EC Joint Meeting topics Motions CIDs #782, 783, 784 Comment Resolutions Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al
Comment Resolution Status (7/17) September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Comment Resolution Status (7/17) Blank Accept Principle (Revised) Disagree (Rejected) Total Editor 31 16 63 GCR 3 22 5 30 General 1 Interworking OBSS 26 SCS 6 11 27 (20.45%) 35 44 132 Slide 11 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 11 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Comment Resolution Status (7/18) September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Comment Resolution Status (7/18) Blank Accept Principle (Revised) Disagree (Rejected) Total Editor 31 16 63 GCR 3 22 5 30 General 1 Interworking OBSS 4 18 26 SCS 6 11 2 39 62 29 132 Slide 12 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 12 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Comment Resolution Status (7/21) September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Comment Resolution Status (7/21) Blank Accept Principle Declined, Withdrawn Total Editor 31 16 63 GCR 3 12 2, 13 30 General 1 Interworking OBSS 4 19 26 SCS 6 5 11 39 54 132 Slide 13 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 13 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Motion-1 Move to approve the following teleconference schedule: September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-1 Move to approve the following teleconference schedule: Weekly Monday 1130-1230 Hrs ET Aug 15, 22, 29 Sep 12 2011 Slide 14 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 14 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Minutes review Indian Wells Meeting minutes (11/0786r0) September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Minutes review Indian Wells Meeting minutes (11/0786r0) Teleconference Minutes (11/1073r0) Slide 15 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 15 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-2 Move to approve TGaa Indian Wells Meeting minutes – 11/0786r0. Slide 16 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 16 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-3 Move to approve June-July 2011 Teleconference minutes (document 11/1073r0). Slide 17 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 17 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-4 Move to approve comment resolutions to editorial comments as described in document 11/903r0 and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next TGaa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 18 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 18 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-5 Move to approve comment resolutions to SCS comments as described in document 11/0876r5 (SCS Worksheet) and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next P802.11aa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 19 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 19 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-6 Move to approve comment resolutions to GCR comments as described in document 11/0920r0 and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next P802.11aa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 20 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 20 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-7 Move to approve comment resolutions to OBSS comments as described in document 11/0923r0 and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next P802.11aa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 21 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 21 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-8 Move to approve comment resolutions to General comments as described in document 11/0876r5 (General Worksheet) and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next P802.11aa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 22 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 22 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-9 Move to approve the resolutions to CIDs #4006, #4008 and #4107 in document 11/0876r5 (OBSS Worksheet) and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next P802.11aa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 23 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 23 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-10 Move to approve the resolutions to CIDs #609 and #610 in document 11/0876r5 (LB164 Worksheet) and instruct the editor to incorporate them in the next P802.11aa draft Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 24 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 24 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-11 Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB179, 802.11 Internal MEC and IEEE SA MEC on P802.11aa D5.0 as contained in document 11/0876r5, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft6.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15-day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11aa D6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 25 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 25 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-12 Move to approve document 11/872r0 and instruct the 802.11aa Technical Editor to incorporate the corresponding changes in the next draft of P802.11aa. Moved: Alex Ashley Seconded: Graham Smith Result: 9/0/0 Motion Passes Slide 26 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 26 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-13 Move to decline all comments listed in document 11/0876r5 that have a blank resolution status with the resolution of “The TG requires another recirculation ballot to gain feedback from the WG on this topic.” Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 27 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 27 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-14 Move to approve the “conditional approval to go to Sponsor Ballot (11/1005r0)” package and request IEEE 802 EC to conditionally approve P802.11aa to go to Sponsor Ballot Moved: Seconded: Result: Slide 28 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 28 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Motion-15 Move to approve resolutions to CID #782, #783 and #784 in document 11/0876r4 and instruct the 802.11aa Technical Editor to incorporate the corresponding changes in the next draft of P802.11aa. Moved: Graham Smith Seconded: Alex Ashley Result: 6/0/1 Motion Passes Slide 29 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 29 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Recirculation Working Group Letter Ballot Motion: Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from <ballot> on <group> <draft> as contained in document <resolution doc ref>, [Instruct the editor to prepare Draft <draft> incorporating these resolutions and,] Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should <group> <draft> be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” [Moved by <name> on behalf of <group> <group> vote: Moved: <name>, Seconded: <name>, Result: y-n-a]
Pre-authorized Recirculation Working Group Letter Ballot Commentary: this motion can be used with the intention to recirculate a draft without changes after a pending recirculation ballot. Motion: Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should <group> <draft> be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” to start as soon as practical after the closing of the <nth> Recirculation Ballot on <group> <draft> and conditional on that ballot passing. [Moved by <name> on behalf of <group> <group> vote: Moved: <name>, Seconded: <name>, Result: y-n-a]
Forward Draft to Sponsor Ballot using conditional approval Motion: Approve document <doc-ref> as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward <group> to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding <group> <draft> to sponsor ballot. [Moved by <name> on behalf of <group> <group> vote: Moved: <name>, Seconded: <name>, Result: y-n-a]
Approve report for conditional approval to go to sponsor ballot Commentary: this may be used instead of “forward a draft to sponsor ballot” as the group has (through the letter ballot) already agreed to forward the draft to sponsor ballot. However, the report being an output document of 802.11 to the EC requires formal approval. Motion: Approve document <doc ref> as the report to the 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for conditional approval to forward 802.11<x> to sponsor ballot. [Moved by <name> on behalf of <group> <group> vote: Moved: <name>, Seconded: <name>, Result: y-n-a]
Pre-approval of Sponsor Ballot comment resolutions and recirculation ballot Commentary: This motion is used to enable a comment resolution committee to perform comment resolutions and go to sponsor ballot with the resulting document. Note, in sponsor ballot, comment resolution is delegated to the WG Chair, who usually delegates this to the appropriate TG. Depending on the terms of that delegation, the TG may be authorized to resolve comments and request recirculation ballots without any futher approval of the WG – i.e., this motion is unnecessary in that case. Motion: To authorize the <name of group> Comment Resolution Committee to resolve the comments in <ballot-identifier> by correspondence, to authorize the <name of group> Editor to create <draft reference, e.g. Draft P802.11aa D5.0> based on the comment resolutions, and to initiate a recirculation of <ballot-identifier>. [Moved by <name> on behalf of <group> <group> vote: Moved: <name>, Seconded: <name>, Result: y-n-a]
Sep 2011 meeting room request September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Sep 2011 meeting room request P802.11aa has planned initial Sponsor Ballot between Sep 07 and Oct 17, 2011. One meeting slot to provide a status report on P802.11aa. Slide 35 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 35 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Current Timeline First Recirculation -- Sep 10, 2010 September 2008 November 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/2752r1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1003r0 July 2011 Current Timeline First Recirculation -- Sep 10, 2010 Plan for 3-4 recirculations Form Sponsor pool –May 2011 MEC Done – Aug 2011 Start Sponsor Ballot – Sep 2011 First Sponsor Recirc – Nov 2011 Sponsor Ballot done (final WG approval) – Mar 2012 Final or conditional 802 EC approval – Mar 2012 RevCom/SA approval -- June 2012 (need to line up with appropriate RevCom/SA meeting dates) Slide 36 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al Page 36 Alex Ashley, NDS Ltd Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
July 2011 Ganesh Venkatesan, Intel Corporation et al