Presented By: Donal Culhane and Sierra Shafer Venus Presented By: Donal Culhane and Sierra Shafer
Objects Name: First attributed with the goddess of love As a result, they named it Venus after the Roman goddess of Love Objects Name:
Composition of the Planet: Surface is extremely hot, the temperature can be as high as 900°F The surface temperature is so high because it is very close to the sun No liquid water on planets surface Because there is extremely high temperatures and no liquid water it is believed that Venus cannot support life Composition of the Planet:
Composition of the Atmosphere: 100 times higher atmosphere pressure than earth Thick clouds of sulfuric acid surround the planet The thick clouds make it difficult for astronomers and gemologists to study the surface of Venus Astronomers use satellites radar, and other technologies to study the surface and atmosphere of Venus Composition of the Atmosphere:
Satellites No natural satellites (No Moons) 1 artificial satellite: Magellan Radar Satellite
Characteristics of Venus 67.2 million miles away, or .723 AU. Takes .62 years, or 226.46 days to Revolve around the Sun. Rotates every 243 days. Earth years and days Rotates slowly and not in the same direction
Significant Features & Interesting Facts: 65% of Venus surface is flat and smooth Venus has valleys, mountains and volcanoes that can go on for miles Mountain regions are about 6% of Venus surface Venus has very similar terrain to the Earth Has a mountain range called Maxwell which goes on for about 7 miles Significant Features & Interesting Facts:
Temperature Hottest planet Can’t support organisms Surface temperature of 465°C/738.15°K Temperature of clouds are 13°C/286.15°K Temperature
Isn’t perpendicular to orbit 178° Isn’t perpendicular to orbit Axis
Resources http://www.unit- orldbook.html 1.html .htm ngSolarSystem/ExploringVenus.html Resources