Roman Mythology 12 Roman Gods and Goddesses Dr. Peterson
Jupiter Roman name: Jupiter Greek name: Zeus Domain: ruler of the skies; god of thunder, lightening and sky Symbols: eagle (who is also his messenger), thunderbolt, bull and oak He was considered the “Patron god of Rome” and his temple was where official state business occurred Learn more…
Neptune Roman name: Neptune Greek name: Poseidon Domain: god of the sea, horses and earthquakes Symbols: trident, dolphins, fresh water, horses Learn more…
pluto Roman name: Pluto Greek name: Hades Domain: god of the underworld, judge of the dead Symbols: scepter, Cerberus (multi-headed dog) Learn more…
Vesta Roman name: Vesta Greek name: Hestia Domain: goddess of hearth, home and family Symbols: sacred fire, plain wooden throne Learn more…
Juno Roman name: Juno Greek name: Hera Domain: goddess of woman and marriage; Queen of the gods Symbols: peacock, cow, pomegranate Learn more…
mars Roman name: Mars Greek name: Ares Domain: god of war Symbols: vulture, burning torch, spear Regarded as the father of the Roman people because he was the father of Romulus, purported founder of Rome. Learn more…
Minerva Roman name: Minerva Greek name: Athena Domain: goddess of wisdom and war Symbols: owl Learn more…
Apollo Roman name: Apollo Greek name: Apollo Domain: god of the sun, truth, divination (prophecy), music, poetry and archery Symbols: lyre, bow and arrow, sun Learn more…
venus Roman name: Venus Greek name: Aphrodite Domain: goddess of love and beauty Symbols: myrtles, doves, sparrows, swans Learn more…
mercury Roman name: Mercury Greek name: Hermes Domain: messenger of the gods, god of commerce, athletics and travelers Symbols: winged sandals, caduceus (wand with two serpents twisted around it), petasus (winged hat) Learn more…
ceres Roman name: Ceres Greek name: Demeter Domain: goddess of harvest, grain and fertility Symbols: torch, corn, wheat Learn more…
vulcan Roman name: Vulcan Greek name: Hephaestus Domain: god of fire, volcanoes and metalworking Symbols: hammer, anvil Learn more…
Image credits Mythology (cover): pg Jupiter: Neptune: content/uploads/Greek_Gods_and_Goddesses/Poseidon_Neptune_Greek_God/Poseidon_Neptune_Greek_God_Art_01_by_GenzoMa n.jpg Pluto: Vesta: Juno: content/uploads/Greek_Gods_and_Goddesses/Hera_Juno_Greek_Goddess/Hera_Juno_Greek_Goddess_Art_06.jpg Mars: Minerva: Apollo: Venus: Mercury: Vulcan: