Brief intro
Useful for members NECESSARY FOR SEEKERS!!! I used an OLD article from the Lutheran to design a website and then brought that info to my new church. Some of it is still in use at Bethlehem Auburn…
Contact info on home page! Easily found!!!!
When is your worship and what is it like?
What do Lutheran’s believe? From the ELCA
Visitors may be nervous Visitors may be nervous. Help them feel more comfortable by letting them know what to expect…
Where will a potential member fit in?
Community service is very important to many seekers Community service is very important to many seekers. How are you serving the community?
Keep information updated!!! Use your own photos! Contact info on home page! Keep information updated!!! You can visit the Bethlehem site to see this in greater detail. Here are a few reminders: Questions?
Twitter: I’m eating a #donut Facebook: I like donuts Instagram: Here is a photo of my donut YouTube: Here I am eating a donut Snapchat: Everyone but me is at this donut festival #fomo Hopefully this will give you a fell for the different types of Social Media we will talk about today
I “went” to a social media webinar and here is some of the info…
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Use an Organization page! People involved in Ministry as Profile Picture Exciting Cover Image Easily found Website and Worship times
1. Share info from ELCA and other organizations 2. Share fun posts! 3. Pictures, pictures, pictures 4. Devotions 5. Comment as your church on pages from 1. 6. Post at least once a day!
Gives a place for users to check in Share your newsletters, etc. Retweet info from other organizations
Pictures, pictures, pictures!
Videos! Site tour Work in the Community Others? Totally different animal! Person to person – for your Pastor not your church Learn more and find some ideas here: Quesitons???
Are you receiving the Synod Newsletter Are you receiving the Synod Newsletter??? If not see me at the end and I will make sure that you are signed up!
How often? Weekly/monthly/seasonally? Use the right tool: Constant Contact, Mail Chimp Who? Adults, youth, … Reduce Clutter! Use Personality
Headings and Titles Pictures! Consider Feedback Table of Contents If not using a service, create a separate email address to help keep a clean inbox and up to date mailing list