ASHRAE Regional Electronic Communications Committee (RECC) For Chapters President Elect Training Troy NY Stacie Suh Region I - RECC 4/1/2016
Agenda What is Electronic Communications Committee (ECC)? Chapter ECC Members Manual of Chapter Operations (MCO) Electronic Publications Disclaimer Statements Publication Content Regional I Awards
What is ECC? The Electronic Communications Committee identifies electronic communication needs of the membership and staff, recommends and maintains policies, and ensures that the implementation of information technologies meets the objectives and needs of the Society. The committee reports to the Publishing and Education Council.
What is the ECC? The standing committee member is responsible for advancing and promoting topics and policies of ASHRAE in the area of Electronic communications including technologies in the area of: Communications Publications Society enabling-technologies Good Communications keep members active. Good Publications are more than just a bunch of news. Good technologies can increase chapter participation and activities electronic meeting/webinar software video training chapter/regional electronic forms. On-Line certifications and education.
Manual of Chapter Operations Section 6: Chapter Publications Section 7: Chapter Publicity Appendix J: Chapter Information Questionnaire Appendix R: Public Relations Manual Appendix CC: How To Write Effective Newsletters Appendix FF: Commercialism Policy and Guidelines Appendix OO: Policy and Procedure for Format, Activity, and Content of Web Sites for ASHRAE Groups Content of any publication is governed by the following policies regarding commercialism: Content on websites may not violate ASHRAE Policies with regard to commercial and proprietary interests. That means that a website cannot endorse, describe or state by name products, services and companies. The exception is to identify the business affiliations of persons named on the site. ASHRAE groups cannot link their sites to sites of manufacturers of equipment and products used in HVAC&R industry, nor to commercial providers of these services. ASHRAE Do’s and Don’ts Chapter Sites not hosted by ASHRAE may only accept business card type advertising if they wish. The company must be associated with HVAC&R technologies A message must be viewable before link is executed E-mail links are acceptable from business cards providing that the link is for e-mail only and the viewer never leaves the website
Electronic Publications ASHRAE server space available Emily Sigman , Post information pertaining to activities May establish web site on non-Society server Society does not host Student web sites Navigation though single home page Contact information for Webmaster on all pages
Electronic Publications Chapter web site: “ASHRAE® (Chapter name) Chapter” Student Branch: “ASHRAE® (branch name) Student Branch” Regional web site: “ASHRAE® Region I” Newsletter Publications: “(Newsletter Name) ASHRAE® (Chapter name) Chapter”
Electronic Publications Publication Circulation Chapter & Student Members Regional Chairs Engineering Schools & Universities Sponsors Editor of ASHRAE Insights Region I Newsletter Editors Speakers for next meeting Community leaders
Electronic Publications Publishing formats PDF vs. HTTP Website posting Mass e-mail Blind Courtesy Copy (bcc) Privacy USPS Mail
Disclaimer Statement -Websites “This web site is maintained by the (name of the Chapter or Student Branch) of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). It does not present official position of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society Review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at”
Disclaimer Statement - Newsletter “Statements made in this publication are not expressions of the Society or of the chapter and may not be reproduced without special permission of the chapter.” Separate disclaimer statement available for seminar downloads & Social Media
Important Content Information Appropriateness of material Be mindful of copyright Material offered for sale by ASHRAE cannot be posted Discussion Groups Statements of ASHRAE’s Position Password protected information References to ASHRAE products Chapter & BOG Meeting Minutes Treasurer’s Report Thank you to last speaker Society Site Review Research Promotion goals Scholarship information Schedule for chapter events Listing of offices and committee members Help wanted for local firms Deadlines for next issue Local news affecting readers Society News Link to Society’s home page To the point Interview People in your Chapter Presidents Message
Important Content Information New ASHRAE Logo:
Region I Awards - Websitation of Excellence The Chapter's home-page should have the following as a minimum, and will be awarded points for each as follows: Proper Title, i.e.: ASHRAE® Boston Chapter 100 points Geographical location (City and State) Disclaimer Statement with link to Webmaster name, e-mail address, and date of latest revision If all four items above are found on the home page and are operational, the home page is eligible for the following extra points: Description of region served (geographical boundaries) Link to, or Greeting from chapter president (a general “welcome” and statement) Link to chapter officers and committee chairs contact information (who's who) Link to chapter monthly meeting info (when, what, where)
Region I Awards - Websitation of Excellence Bonus Points for items found anywhere on the site: Current chapter newsletter 50 points Past newsletters (at least all from the current year) Upcoming events and future meetings Link to Region I website Chapter history and/or general info pages (statistics) 100 points Other functional Chapter committee pages Membership, RP, SA, Programs, TEGA 25 points ea Link to sign up for e-mailed newsletter Link to sign up for attendance at monthly meeting Link to sign for ASHRAE membership Most recent BOG/Meeting minutes Past BOG/Meeting minutes (at least all from the current year)
Region I Awards – Black Ink Award Points shall be awarded for the following items: Points/ Month Newsletter being received by Chapter members, Regional Officers, Region I Chapter Presidents & ASHRAE Insights one week prior to monthly meeting. 10 Monthly meeting info: who, what, where, when Message from the Chapter President Separate message from these Chapter Committee Chairs: Membership Promotion CTTC - Chapter Programs CTTC - TEGA CTTC - Refrigeration Research Promotion Student Activities Chapter Historian
Region I Awards – Black Ink Award Points shall be awarded for the following items: Points/ Month Biographical sketch of a chapter member including current, new, life, retired and deceased members; or a historical write-up of a company or business 10 Contributors Listing - Resource Promotion or Scholarship Calendar of upcoming Chapter events/meetings Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs listing with their phone and fax numbers or e-mail Regional Officers listing with phone and fax numbers Max. of two listings per year - one Fall & one Spring 25 Recap of previous month's dinner meeting or other chapter events Disclaimer Statement (from MCO) Employment ads - help wanted or job wanted Board of Governors meeting minutes (summary)
Region I Awards – Black Ink Award Points shall be awarded for the following items: Points/ Month Notice of Region I Dinner at Society meetings, including mail-in reservation form if applicable 10 Photographs, graphs, sketches, artwork, etc. (excluding adds and ASHRAE or chapter logo) 5 pts ea 50 max CRC announcement encouraging attendance (April/May/June) 25 CRC meeting report including motions presented. (Awarded once in Sept. or Oct. issue) 50 PAOE status of Chapter in each category President Elect Training Troy NY
Regional Electronic Communications Chair 2015-2016 Stacie Suh Stebbins Duffy 10 Technology Drive Peabody, MA 01960 (781) 258-1002 President Elect Training Troy NY
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization President Elect Training Troy NY Stacie Suh Region I - RECC 4/11/2015
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization Agenda What is PIE Sponsor Organization? Requirements for Submission Annual Reporting to PIE Region I Program Admin. President Elect Training Troy NY
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization What is PIE Sponsor Organization? Sponsor Organizations are organization members of PIE (as defined in the Bylaws) that are capable of creating and maintaining a self-sufficient Continuing Education (CE) program. CE Sponsor Organizations approve their own training internally and maintain all records at their offices. Sponsor Organizations follow approved written procedures which govern the conduct of their internal CE Program subject to audit by PIE. We spent 5 years planning and assembling the 130 page application form. In August 2013 we submitted our application to PIE with the anticipation of being returned for revisions. On September 19, 2013 we were accepted as probation pending our first year audit. We have spent the last 6 months preparing for the roll out for the program. President Elect Training Troy NY
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization We spent 5 years planning and assembling the 130 page application form. In August 2013 we submitted our application to PIE with the anticipation of being returned for revisions. On September 19, 2013 we were accepted as probation pending our first year audit. We have spent the last 6 months preparing for the roll out for the program.
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization Requirements for Submission The course must have a clear purpose, objective and scope The instructor must have sufficient experience in the given subject as depicted in a submitted bio The instructor must have sufficient contact time as depicted in a submitted timeline The course content must be sufficient to increase learning on a professional engineering level as depicted in submitted course materials There must be an assessment of learning at the end of each course The chapter must submit to Program Administrator the Accreditation Application, the power point with associated program handouts, Bio or resume of the speaker, a time line of the program incisive of minutes spent on each topic, the assessment of learning or Quiz at the end of the program. There will be 1 credit hour issued for each 50 minutes of learning. Breaks are not included within the time frame. President Elect Training Troy NY
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization Annual Reporting to PIE Annual totals of CE Sessions held, CE Hours Awarded, Number of attendees Supporting documentation for Report: Course Name and Number Evaluator who reviewed and Approved CE Hours awarded Date and location of Program Associated documents submitted PIE Approved Evaluators All associated documents kept on file for random audit. Program submitted with submission application Evaluation records from review Training agreement must be signed by the chapter and returned prior to the program. Sign in sheets must be returned to the PIE Administrator within 14 days of the program. Program evaluations must be returned to the PIE Administrator and the RVC Programs Chair within 14 days of the program
Region I PIE Sponsor Organization Region I Program Administrator Jim Price Niagara Frontier Chapter SUNY Buffalo During the process, we had several volunteers who have offered to assist with the review of the programs. These volunteers are listed. To be an evaluator, the individual must approved by PIE as an individual reviewer, and have the application current. new program administrator for PIE , Jim Price from the Niagara Frontier Chapter and works for SUNY BUFFALO. Please welcome Jim into his new position. Chapter Presidents please pass this on to your Program Chairpersons. Jim’s e-mail address is Please send all Speaker Presentations to Jim for processing. President Elect Training Troy NY