Northmont Campus Guide to Success 2017-18 Behavior Code of Conduct
Day 1- 8/10/17- Northmont School Rules Be Kind- To Be Kind I Will…. Use kind language Help others Keep my hands and feet to myself Be Polite Solve problems with my words Be Safe- To Be Safe I Will…. Follow directions the first time they are given Wait my turn Be a good sport Keep my hands, feet, body, and objects to myself Walk at all times, except on the playground Bring only safe and appropriate things to school Keep toys at home Tell an adult at school and an adult at home if I know someone is being bullied
Day 1 Continued- 8/10/17- Northmont School Rules Be Responsible- To Be Responsible I will…. Take care of property Put away equipment Freeze and take a knee at the bell Walk to line at the whistle Use the restroom and get a drink of water at appropriate times Help keep our school clean Be on time and ready to learn Complete all assignments with my best effort Be Respectful- To Be Respectful I will…. Follow the directions of all school adults the first time they are given Stop and look at school adults when they are speaking to me Respond to people who are speaking to me in a calm manner Walk to Line Use equipment properly Follow the rules of all games Report problems to Recess Supervisor or other adults Use kind language Use an appropriate voice level Help others
Day 2- 8/11/17- Walking/ Waiting In Lines What it looks like… Voice level 0 in halls Walking quietly Keeping hands, feet, and objects to yourself Facing forward Proper space between you and the person in front of you Walking on sidewalk and blacktop Staying to the right What it doesn’t look like... Touching or kicking the walls or objects Swinging on the poles Running, skipping, fast walking, or jumping Jumping up to hit the roof overhangs Touching or kicking others/ High fiving people going by Walking on grass Cutting corners
Day 3- 8/14/17- After School Dismissal What it looks like… Walking on sidewalks Walking to ESS, your parents, or exit gates Don’t linger, go directly home or to your pick up area Cell phones off and put away until off campus Following Safety Patrol and adult directions What it doesn’t look like... Running in the hallways Walking in the parking lot or driveway Playing on the grass Playing in the garden Playing on the playground Playing on the embankment or the front of the school Playing in the Peace Circle area
Day 4- 8/15/17- Respecting and Talking with All Adults What it looks like… Stopping and facing the adult Giving eye contact Listening Responding respectfully What it doesn’t look like... Continuing to walking Looking around Ignoring the adult Arguing with the adult Rolling your eyes
Day 5- 8/16/17- Playground Behavior What it looks like… Following the rules Solving conflicts respectfully Showing good sportsmanship Getting help from an adult when you need to Listening to the playground supervisors Walking around games in progress instead of going through them Managing your time- getting drinks and using the restroom before the bell Freezing at the bell and taking a knee Walking to your line at the whistle What it doesn’t look like... Ignoring the rules Cheating, bragging, complaining Ignoring the playground supervisors Being physically aggressive (hitting, kicking, fighting) Shouting to solve a conflict Going out of designated areas Running through a game Kicking balls away from play area and not going to get them
Day 6- 8/17/17- Voice level – 0 to 4 What it looks like… Using appropriate voice levels in different areas of campus and during class Speak respectfully to others Remembering voice level 0 means being silent/ NO talking at all 0 = No talking- silent 1 = Whisper voices 2 = Normal talking/ conversation voice 3 = Presentation voice 4 = Playground shouting or yelling voice What it doesn’t look like... Yelling or talking too loudly in the hallways, bathroom, lunch area, or in your classroom Being sassy or making rude comments Talking or whispering when you are supposed to be silent
Day 7- 8/18/17- Auditorium and Lunch Area What it looks like… Using a voice level of 0 - 2 Keeping your area clean by throwing your trash away and cleaning up spills Respecting playground supervisors and all adults Choosing one table and staying there- No more than 10 people at a table Using good manners (saying please, thank you, etc Raising your hand and asking for permission to leave your table Earning a green card at your table for voice level and keeping your area clean Walking to the playground after you are excused What it doesn’t look like... Using a voice level 3 or 4 Throwing food Running around Disrespecting playground supervisors or other adults Sharing food Leaving trash on the ground or on tables Leaving your table without asking for permission Table hopping Going to the playground before your table has a green card
Day 8- 8/21/17- Bathroom Etiquette/Procedures What it looks like… Respecting others’ privacy- 1 person per stall Always flushing the toilet Washing your hands Using only 1 paper towel Throwing paper towels and other trash in the trash can Returning to class/recess/lunch tables promptly Going to the bathroom in toilets or urinals only- #1 in the toilet or urinal #2 in the toilets only What it doesn’t look like... Wasting water and paper towels Looking in the stalls when another person is there- under the wall or over the wall Playing in the bathroom Climbing on the wall Using loud voices/screaming Wetting paper towels and throwing them on walls floor or ceiling Playing with soap Leaving paper towels on the floor
Day 9- 8/22/17- Assembly and Peace Circle Behavior What it looks like… Walking in quietly Keeping eyes on speaker Raising hand to speak Looking to your teacher for dismissal Keeping voice level 0 when presenter is speaking Responding appropriately to the presenter What it doesn’t look like... Running ahead of your class Talking with neighbors Ignoring adults Yelling out unless the presenter requests you to do that Running around the Peace Circle area
Day 10- 8/23/17- Transitions To and From Classrooms What it looks like… Walking in hallways Voice level 0-1 Waiting quietly until invited into a classroom Respecting other students’ things inside and outside of the classroom What it doesn’t look like... Playing in the hallways Talking loudly- voice level 2-4 Hands in someone’s desk or backpack Ignoring the directions of adults Looking into the windows of the classroom and distracting others
Day 11- 8/24/17- Academic Expectations What it looks like… Always doing your best work Completing and returning classwork and homework Being on time Cooperating in group work Having a positive attitude Trying hard even when an assignment is difficult Showing perseverance What it doesn’t look like... Not trying Having a negative attitude Daydreaming and/or wasting time Being bossy in groups Giving up when things get hard
Day 12- 8/25/17- Student Appearance What it looks like… Northmont Spirit shirts on Fridays Positive messages on shirts Pants fit properly and don’t hang low Appropriate shoes- no flip flops or open toed shoes Hats and hoods off when inside buildings (hats only worn outside) Wearing sunglasses only outside See dress code in handbook What it doesn’t look like... Wearing shirts with negative or inappropriate messages (anti-homework, anti-school, anti- behavior, advertising cigarettes ,alcohol, or drugs) Wearing clothes that don’t fit properly or show too much of your body Wearing “short”shorts (must be at least to finger tips) Wearing spaghetti straps
Day 13- 8/28/17- Guest Teacher Behavior What it looks like… Following the same class rules that your teacher has Showing exceptional manners Keeping each other accountable Staying on task Offering help only when the guest teacher asks Showing respect to the the guest teacher and other students Staying out of the teacher area (not going into cupboards or teacher desk What it doesn’t look like... Changing the rules Talking and playing around when you are supposed to be listening and/or working Telling the guest teacher what to do Purposely creating problems Being off task Going into teacher areas Taking things out of cupboards, teacher desk, or any other area without permission
Day 14- 8/29/17- SLANT What it doesn’t look like... Slouching Talking to friends Not paying attention Playing with things in your desk Looking around the room Heads on desks No lounging, no feet on desks, chairs, or tables Chairs on all 4 legs unless teacher has given you special permission What it looks like… Sit up Listen attentively Ask and answer questions No distractions Track the speaker
Day 15- 8/30/17- Greeting What it looks like… Smiling Giving eye contact Greeting all adults by last their name Showing respect to all adults Using Peace Hands What it doesn’t look like... Ignoring the other person Interrupting Calling adults by their first name Treating adults like your peers (other students)
Day 16- 8/31/17- Working In Groups What it looks like… Actively listening to everyone in the group Everyone participating equally Doing your share or part of the work Using a voice level 1-2 Encouraging the others members of the group What it doesn’t look like... Being bossy or rude Not participating equally Being off task Using a voice level 3-4