Michael D. McInnis The Boeing Company michael.d.mcinnis@boeing.com July 2000 IEEE Joint 802.11 and 802.15 May 2000 Seattle Interim Meeting - Accounting Report Michael D. McInnis The Boeing Company michael.d.mcinnis@boeing.com Michael D. McInnis, The Boeing Company
Month 1998 doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/xxx July 2000 IEEE Joint 802.11 and 802.15 May 2000 Seattle Interim Meeting - Accounting Report Planned for between 60 and 75 registrants Actuals Madison hotel collection for 163 Meeting registrants @ $325 each = $52,975 Total Madison hotel charges = ($34,190.13) Madison hotel remainder to IEEE = $18,784.87 Social = ($6,425) support labor, pwr cords, office supplies, etc. = ($3,232.82) Misc cost total = ($9,657.82) Sub-total remainder from hotel payment to IEEE = $9,127.05 One registrant paid by traveler’s check = $ 325 (total of 164 registration fees collected = $ 53,300) Remainder to IEEE 802.11 and 802.15 in July 00 = $9,452.05 (-$215) in July for a network hub, remainder to IEEE 802 in Sept. 00 = $9,237.05 Michael D. McInnis, The Boeing Company John Doe, His Company
July 2000 IEEE Joint 802.11 and 802.15 May 2000 Seattle Interim Meeting - Accounting Report Food and Beverage (actual) Qty. Item Price Total Monday 113 Meeting Planners Package $23.50 $2,655.50 113 Lunch $21.50 $2,429.50 Tuesday 116 Meeting Planners Package $23.50 $2,726.00 145 Lunch $18.50 $2,682.50 Wednesday 145 Meeting Planners Package $23.50 $3,407.50 145 Lunch $17.50 $2,537.50 Thursday 145 Lunch $21.50 $3,117.50 Subtotal $22,963.50 18% Service $4,133.43 9.1% Tax $2,465.82 Sub-Total $29,562.75 AV, xDSL line, phone lines, copies, etc. $ 4,627.38 Total hotel charge (actual) $34,190.13 Social (100 attendees) and misc costs (actual) $ 9,657.82 Total all costs (actual) $43,847.95 Total all actual costs divided by 164 attendees = $267.36 each (+$57.64 = $325) Michael D. McInnis, The Boeing Company
July 2000 IEEE Joint 802.11 and 802.15 May 2000 Seattle Interim Meeting - Accounting Report Food and Beverage (planned) Qty. Item Price Total Monday 164 Meeting Planners Package $23.50 $3,854 164 Lunch $21.50 $3,526 Tuesday 164 Lunch $18.50 $3,034 Wednesday 164 Lunch $17.50 $2,870 Thursday Subtotal $28,372 18% Service $ 5,106.96 9.1% Tax $ 2,581.85 Sub-Total $36,060.81 AV, xDSL line, phone lines, copies, etc. $ 4,627.38 Total hotel charge (planned) $40,688.19 Social (164 attendees) & misc costs (plan+act) $13,177.82 Total all costs (planned + actual) $53,866.01 Total all planned costs divided by 164 attendees = $328.45 each Michael D. McInnis, The Boeing Company