Vesuvius Pompeii and Herculaneum GEOG 458/558 California State University, Long Beach
Map of Pompeii
Map of Pompeii
Map of Pompeii at the time
Homes of Pompeii (note fast-food snack bar in middle: back in business after 2,000 years!)
Homes of Pompeii: 3 upscale homes and 1 apartment building
Urban Planning in Pompeii: crosswalks above water/sewage in streets, curbs, sidewalks, water towers
Urban Planning in Pompeii: street grid to N and E (newer parts of town)
Wealth of Pompeii
People of Pompeii: Rowdy Art
The eruption of Vesuvius: 6 pyroclastic surges buried Pompeii & Herculaneum
People of Pompeii: Plaster Casts
People of Pompeii: Plaster Casts
Vesuvius: Much larger Avellino eruption ~3780 BP – 1000s of tracks of successful evacuees from Bronze Age village (2 pairs of tracks ended in a pair of skeletons who didn't escape the pyroclastic flow)
Vesuvius: Avellino Eruption ~3780 BP
Vesuvius: Naples Today...
Vesuvius: More Detailed Information -volcano-dormant-eruption-pompeii/ (this was the article that triggered the rumor mill in Naples, leading to a spontaneous evacuation)