CRANIAL NERVES Prof. Peter Stanko, MD, PhD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Dpt. of Stomatology & Maxillofacial Surgery Comenius University, St Elisabeth Hospital
Questions included 59.Trigeminal nerve 60.Facial nerve 46.Sensory inervation of the face and oral cavity 47.Motor inervation of the face and oral cavity
CRANIAL NERVES – general overview I. n. olfactorius II. n. opticus III. n . oculomotorius IV. n. trochlearis V. n. trigeminus VI. n. abducens VII. n. facialis VIII. n. vestibulocochlearis IX. n. glossopharyngeus X. n. vagus XI. n. accesorius XII. n. hypoglossus
CRANIAL NERVES – function overview Main function Other functions I. n. olfactorius sensory (smell) - II. n. opticus sensory (vision) - III. n. oculomotorius motoric miosis, mydriasis IV. n. trochlearis motoric - V. n. trigeminus sensitive motoric VI. n.abducens motoric - VII. n. facialis motoric sensory (taste) VIII. n. vestibulocochlearis sensory (stato-acusticus) - IX. n. glossopharyngeus mixed (sensitive) X. n. vagus mixed (viscera) XI. n. accesorius mixed (motoric) XII. n. hypoglossus motoric -