NADTC Course Introduction & Overview Winter 2017
Closed Captioning and Materials Closed Captioning is available on YouTube. Click the CC icon in the bottom right hand corner to enable. This PowerPoint is also available for download on our website,
Welcome NADTC Overview Partnership: Easterseals and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging Funding: Federal Transit Administration with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living. Mission: To promote the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers (866) 983-3222
Welcome Provide Person-centered Information & Technical Assistance Toll-free phone number: 866-983-3222 Email Address: Information Clearinghouse on our website with resources and publications Partnership with Eldercare Locator Communication and outreach Website, blog, use of social media, yearly trends reports; technology-focused information
What we do Investment in community solutions: Training Online Courses Community grant program Training Webinars In-person Events Online Courses
Human Service Transportation Course Online Course Human Service Transportation Course Course Highlights: Free Registration allowed until January 23rd Self Paced Discussion Forum Additional Resources
Course Goals: Learn about the wants, needs and challenges of older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers in both finding and using community transportation systems. Identify best practices and successful strategies for providing human services transportation;
Course Goals: Discuss how collaboration and partnerships among human services agencies and with transportation agencies can help design successful transportation program; Learn how to gather information on you own community’s transportation system, including identification of system strengths and assessing gaps in these services.
Who should register? Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Programs Aging and Disability Resource Centers Centers for Independent Living Community Action Agencies Mobility Managers & Travel Trainers Faith-based organizations RSVP Volunteer Organizations Public Transit and Transportation Providers
About the Course Each session is intended to be self-paced, but also interactive through: Online forums to share information with peers Learning assignments at the end of each session Supplementary materials
Course Outline Session 1. A Changing Transportation Landscape: How Does Human Services Transportation Fit into the Broader Community Transportation System? Session 2. Human Services Transportation Coordination and Partnerships Session 3. Discovering Community Transportation Resources
Course Outline Registration Cutoff: January 23rd Session Release Dates: Advertised in the LinkedIn Group Each session will be pre-recorded and released on an advertised date to facilitate self-paced learning.
Course Conclusion Participation Certificate Evaluation A participation certificate will be issued by NADTC to all participants who completed all course requirements. Evaluation At the conclusion of the course, participants will be asked to complete a course evaluation survey for feedback.
How to Register Register using link: You will be redirected to an NADTC webpage with directions on accessing the private LinkedIn Forum
Questions? Any questions you have about the process, please email Eileen Miller at