Katharina Schlamp Germany The National Institute for Further Education NIDV International Conference of Vocational Development of Professionals in Education December 1st 2016 Supporting the continuing vocational training of teachers in the framework of the German education system Katharina Schlamp Germany
Agenda Character of Teacher training in Germany Traineeship / preparatory service at school Further training: Offer and obligation and a tool of school qualitiy assurance In-school teacher training: Goals, concept, determination of needs, tasks of the Training Officer
Teacher training in Germany Theoretical education in the areas of applied sciences (including specialist disciplines) and educational science (4 – 5 years) 1. University: Getting the necessary "craft" for successful teaching combined with autonomous instruction (in schools, 1,5 – 2 years) 2. Traineeship / preparatory service: Further development of professional skills (trainings-institutions/schools - lifelong learning) 3. Further training of teachers:
Traineeship / preparatory service at school 1,5 - 2 years on different schools First year only some autonomous instruction Second year: 11 to 17 autonomous instruction Basic tasks of the preparatory service: Expansion of knowledge in the field of education and civic education didactics and methodology of the subjects, introduction to school practice special tasks of a teacher at the school type like Gymnasium, Realschule or Primary school
Traineeship / preparatory service Elements of the training of teacher trainees 6.Regular meetings / lessons for imparting the content of the subject-specific training 7.Internships and exercises in appropriate subjects 3.Teaching experiments (planning and design of a teaching unit)• 4.Interrelated classes from the third month of the preparatory service onwards 5.Self-responsible lessons from the sixth or seventh month of the preparatory period 2.Internships in other subjects and other schools 1.Listening to / observing lessons in their own subjects 8.Pedagogy, Psychology, School law and Schooling, Basic questions of civic education
Further training: Offer and obligation Teachers are obliged to continue their studies and participate in official training courses: 12 days (à 5 hours to 60 minutes) within 4 years. In the course of professional evaluation of state teachers (every 4 years), the willingness to participate in training courses is appreciated in the category "professional skills“. Reflecting the training focal points in the context of the employee discussion with the school principal
Further teacher training as a tool for school quality assurance Characteristics of teachers: Specialists in teaching and education. Professional duties include teaching, educating, assessing, diagnosing, promoting and advising. Need to review, rethink and develop their professional activities. This complex professional image meets high requirements for basic and advanced training. Teacher training has many different perspectives: It contributes to the quality and development of the school system, It helps the teacher to meet the changing needs of society, It supports the personal self-understanding and the professional identity of the teacher. It can also take on tasks of education and training.
The facilities of teacher training in Bavaria Central: Academy for teacher training and personnel management Dillingen Regional: Governments, Agencies of the Ministerial Commissioners Local: State school officials School: In-school teacher training
In-school teacher training Is directly oriented to the needs of the staffs There are financial resources available for carrying out teacher training It is carried out by the schools themselves. Usually only teachers of the respective school participate mandatory or voluntary Speakers / Trainers: Teacher of the school Trained multipliers (from central further training) University members
In-school teacher training:Goals Obligation of the schools to draw up training plans for in-school teacher training Permanent strengthening of the efficiency of a school Helps not only teachers, but also the pupils in fulfilling the goals of the school curriculum Opportunity to acquire additional competencies and professional activities Opportunity to increase flexibility, particularly concerning the employment of a teacher in a subject he is not trained for.
Concept for advanced training in schools Determination of needs Planning the course of action and the schedule In-school training Working groops Collegial hospitation Teaching in classroom with expanded competences
Concept for advanced training in schools - Determination of needs Assessed on 3 levels: Systematic level (school management determines need) Professional level (specialist teacher meeting determines need) Individual level (query per post or questionnaire) School program Mission statement Concepts of the school Results of external evaluation Requirements of the educational policy Interests and needs of the confeences of the teachers of one subject Indivdual interests and wishes of teachers
Concept for advanced training in schools – Tasks of the Training Officer Collection and identification of individual training needs by the evaluation of the surveys• Collection of the training needs of parts of the staff by means of a survey of the specialist conferences, working groups and committees of the school• Determination of the needs as a result of the evaluation report screening, compilation and publication of suitable training programs• Collegial counseling, taking into account training needs and opportunities• Development of the training plan on the basis of training needs and training offers• Organization of teachers' training courses in the school• Compilation and duplication of the results of completed training courses The need of a Training officer depends on the results from the scope and specifications of the training concept
Frequently asked question in the framework of teacher training How does the teacher's new knowledge come into the classroom? In-school teacher training is a good way. Trainings must be supported by continuous reflection groups and collegial hospitation.
Thank you for your attention! I wish you success! Katharina Schlamp